shidou ryusei.

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shidou ryusei

the smell of freshly baked cake filled your nostrils. the pastry smelled so good and you were proud that you're the creator of the dessert.

funny enough is that you baked a cake for your own birthday. self love i guess.

a blonde with pink colored streaks entered the kitchen and when he eyes your cake- that mf burst out laughing as if he saw a meme or something.

"what's funny?" you asked. you know he's laughing at your cake but he's doing it on purpose. because clearly, your cake looks amazing and smells amazing too.

your dumbass boyfriend here didn't respond as he continued to cackle at the dessert you made.

and who would have guessed, you pulled a crazy egoist who's obsessed with itoshi sae. not to mention, he almost used you to get his number. it was a crazy day fr.

"what the fuck is that? is that a fucking cake?"

"no shit, it's obviously a pie. what else, dumbass?" you said sarcastically and crossed your arms.

sometimes you wonder why you even asked him to be your boyfriend?

to be honest, you should have picked isagi for pete sake.

shidou chuckled, "wow, your pie looks interesting.." he teased and grinned like an idiot.

you ignored him and prepared some decorations for your party. the worst part is that your boyfriend here is not even helping and just let the birthday celebrant do the work.

the audacity since he's the one who's mostly going to attack the food you made.

as you finished decorating, you noticed how your surroundings were extremely quiet. not that you're complaining- is just that it's odd. especially with shidou around.

"ryu, where the fuck are you?" you searched for shidou around the house and to your luck, you couldn't find him.

yeah, that dumbass is planning something stupid and for sure you won't like it.

and before you knew it, cold icing was thrown at your face. how could you not see it coming?

"not funny at all."

shidou laughed at the look on your face, it was all hilarious.

but you're more annoyed by the fact that he ruined your cake and wasted it!

like the competitive human being you are, you said 'fuck it' and threw a large piece of cake at shidou who also did the same and it went on.

and you can imagine what happened, cake is found everywhere in the kitchen especially on both of you.

shidou laughed and enjoyed the moment. "by the way, happy birthday!"

"shut the fuck up! you're baking my cake this time!"

without noticing the time, your friends came in and watched the scene where you and your boyfriend held a food fight. a cake fight to be more specific.

"uhm, we'll come back later.." one of your friends said and closed the door.

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