otoya eita.

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otoya eita

a certain white-haired boy wrapped his arms around you, winking his eyes at you after.

"oh please, is this how you make me fall in love with you? just stop, otoya. i will never fall in love with you," you stated hoping that it will bury in his mind.

but no. he just laughed at it.

"you'll see, princess. you will fall in love with me." he grinned. confident at his words.

you just rolled your eyes at him though. "so what? you can just laugh at me? i know your game. you're just playing with me."

what you said made him stop smiling. he's even frowning. it's like his offended by what you said- but it's true, right? he's just playing with you.

"you never trust me, do you?"


after that conversation, otoya got a little bit... too extreme. he gave you many handmade gifts- which surprisingly turned out cute. but he even stopped seeing other girls too. just what is he proving?

"otoya, what are you doing?" you asked which made him stop playing with his soccer ball.

the answer to the question you asked was so obvious. well... to him because he didn't understand what you meant. "playing soccer?? what do you mean?"

"i meant the gifts you give me. and you're even focusing all your attention on me unlike before when you were playing with other girls."

then, the realization struck him.

a smirk curled up to his lips. "what? i'm just showing that i do like 'ya."

but you didn't believe his words. it was too good to be true. i mean, otoya eita. the biggest player in school is showing you how much he likes you? what kind of sick joke is that??

although, you do notice that he's adding effort- but then again, he still could be playing with you.

but his determination is crazy. it has been going on for almost two months.

you were getting tired- no, you were getting confused! at first you weren't affected by his acts but as days went by; you saw how much he put effort. it's like he's being honest with you.

so you decided to ask your friend about the strange unknown feeling you felt. not just that though, you can't even get him out of your mind anymore!

"you like him."


"you heard me. you fell for him."

you didn't believe your friend. because you still remember what you said back then. "i will never fall in love with you."

but maybe... maybe you're wrong. because you fell hard for him.

except, eversince you confirmed that you like him. otoya never gave you gifts anymore. no more annoying compliments. no more teasing around. no otoya eita near you.

it was strange. but it made your heart fall.

many negative thoughts ran up through your head. did he get tired of you? has he finally given up?

you almost felt tears run down on your cheek. but you can't just give up. you can't think of those yet without confirmation. but the thing is. where could he be?

a certain two-toned haired friend of otoya caught your attention, drifting you away from your negative thoughts.

"bachira!" you called out earning his attention. he noticed how your eyes are a bit red but ignored it.

"sup. is there anything wrong?"

"do you know where otoya is?"

he raised a brow making a confused face. "he didn't attend school?"

well, shit. seems like bachira is useless.

"maybe he's at the park? he usually goes there when something's wrong or stuff."

maybe not.

a smile crawled up to your face as you thanked bachira. you ran to the park; ignoring your surroundings. you just needed to know if he gave up. you can even confess what you feel towards him.

after five minutes or so of running. you saw a white-haired boy that you fell for. otoya eita.

you approached him. but, he didn't notice your presence.

"hey," you called out as he turned to look at you. as he finally noticed it was you who called him his eyes widened.

his mouth opened wanting to speak yet no words came out. he didn't even know what to say. he's just shocked.

"uhm. i want to ask you something.."

he nodded signaling you to continue which you did.

"do you really like me?"

your question caught him off guard but his cheeks turned pink. "yeah.."

you smiled at him. for once, you believed him. your dumb mind realized a night ago that he wouldn't go that far if he was playing with someone's feelings. he wouldn't make an effort if he likes someone and that someone is you.

the silence was deafening so you took that moment to speak again. "otoya. remember when i said 'i will never fall in love with you?'"

otoya was confused by what you asked but still nodded his head.

you chuckled which wasn't so often of you to do. and he made sure to remember that laugh of yours.

"i was wrong."

did he hear that right? you.. you just confessed to him- not exactly though but still.

otoya's silence made you more nervous. and the fact that he's glancing somewhere else! yet, you continued to tell how you feel. it's now or never.

"i've fallen for you, eita."

your confession can almost make him blow like a bomb but he kept his cool.

let's just ignore that he's a blushing mess at the moment. so he chuckled and smiled at you as his eyes showed genuine care and love.

"and i've already fallen for you."


it's been so long but i'm back from my grave. 🙌 idk what i'm going with this plus i wrote this half awake 👹

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