***Quick Interrupt***

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So I just watched the Youtuber Markiplier and his reaction for the eight million subscriber milestone and I find myself overcome with the need to hug somebody. But sadly its late at night right now and I'm at home.
So here I want to put a thank you to those of you who are reading this because it gives me a hope that if I were to suddenly die I wouldn't be completely forgotten. I feel like this is the key to immortality. I also hope that my story isn't just being read but there are some who are writing themselves. Maybe not about homestuck but some other fandom or something original. Writing is a great way to discover yourself, your fears and hopes, and in general how you see things. I know its helped me over come anxiety and many depressions in my time.which I've gotten better since I started writing this.
On that note back to this, I don't know if I have the writing skill to portray this but there is a key thing or theme I wanted to express in this story. And no its not really a spoiler. It's the theme of not doing something alone. This is going to go on for a while and there are many challenges that I have planned ahead. But when this is official over or close to the end I am starting two new stories that tie into this one in a special way. Whether it be friends, family, internet, or a charm you aren't alone. No one truely is. You have to believe that. You have to. There are more forces in this world than those of evil. How else would we all still be here?
There are things that will happen between chapters not because I'm too lazy to write them but because you don't always see things that happen to people. And you may never know other things but that doesn't change the fact that it happened. There are a million other inspirational things that I want to put here but I don't know how to put into words. Mostly feelings. Just remember that someone, or something, at least one thing, will always care about you.
"Today you are you.
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive that is youer than you."
-Dr. Suess
"So do all who live to see such times but that is not for us to decide. All we have to do is to decide what to do with the time that is given to us."
-Gandalf The Grey
And finally, I love all of you, yes even you, yes I am talking about you, you in the back, you? Yes! Even you. And I hope I can pass along this internet hug from ME to YOU.

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