Lets Do This Thing

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   Katriana is hunched over a computer screen as she types a short message. Staring at it for a few minutes and adding a few revisions here and there that don't really do much but to take up time and make herself busy. This was a difficult task that she had hoped not to have to do but now she had no choice.
   "KK are you sure we need to do this? What will this accomplish? It's not like we really need help, its smooth sailing from here." A tall and thin psionic asked midst typing away herself trying to direct enough power to the transmission signals to send them out far enough.
   As leader it was her job to keep everyone alive and in general to lead them to success, no matter the situation. And there were a few close calls in the past that she had been able to get them out of somehow perfectly. So she had their respect as well as their friendship. Their friendleader. Little did they know that she already knew in general what was going to happen. Often told bedtime stories of a game, aliens, explosions, and exactly what not to do came in handy in predicting the future as one can expect.

   Its those stories that really stick with you, even if you're too young and small to truly understand. Because its about what you can be, its about what you can do, its about what you did and who you are, and how you grow. Those stories matter because you never know if they might just come in handy one day, some where along the road. They are meant to be learned from to prevent a bad end, but to also show that nobody is perfect even if they tried. That good is good enough, if you gave your all you gave your all. You can't give what you don't have. You only have so much control over everything.

   "Alright, that should be enough to send it to the void and back ten times over. What ever you want to send just let me know and I can send it out." Sol interrupted her troubled thoughts.

   "THANKS." She said hardly turning away from the screen. With a deep breath she hit enter and it went out, with hope her father would be able to receive it and find her some how. Cross that bridge when he got to it. It sent. Now to just wait.


   Things were settling as much as they could for Karkat. There was the unspoken tension that was between him and almost everyone else it seemed. With the humans asleep he was left to wander and practice his control of blood. A few stances, have the blood mimic his movements, then speed up, make it flow smooth and natural. It helped to focus on his arm positions, tried to think of it as an extension. But was interrupted. A buzz on an old and once forgotten crabphone awakened in his inventory.

   Ah, memories. It was a text message, but it was blurry and he could only read a few words here and there, it was also short. What he could read was in capital grey text that said 'HEY', 'I ____ KNOW', 'FUCK', 'HERE'. That was about it. It need not say anything more, he knew that text, he knew that swear. Repressed parental instincts came back to life in his old spirit and knew he had to find Katriana.

   Sending out a 'signal' via blood powers (this he learned that if there was another him in a nearby dimension he could 'hear' them because the bloods would resonate, this would only partially work with Kankri as he was a Vantas but still different from Karkat). She wasn't bleeding so he couldn't find her. Where the fuck was he going to find some of her blood now to find her coordinates? Its not like they kept old bandages hanging around the place. But he could check the places she got hurt. Drastically calling for any remains in his dream bubble of her blood he heard a faint call from a tree root that she tripped and scraped her knee on once. It was old, out-dated, and faint, but it was her blood. This he could use. (Basically, blood has a kind of name tag of who you are and what dimension you are from. Like a 'MADE IN CHINA' kind of tag. Also it has its-)

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