chapter 35

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I woke up in a hospital room and my mouth taste good like toothpaste. Much better than blood.

I looked around and I saw Soda hovering over me.

He smiled and said "she's awake!!" A nurse came running in and she said "hi honey how are you feeling."

I said "better than before, my stomach is hurting a lot though." She said "you should be released now, but do you have any questions."

I said "is everything okay with me having kids, it felt like she hit me kinda hard." She said "we've already made an obgyn appointment for you."

I said "oh cool thanks."

She smiled and handed me some papers and she said "bye guys."

She left the room and closed the curtain so I could get changed. Soda said "what's an obgyn."

I said "it's a doctor for girl stuff." He said "what are they gonna do to you." I said "look in my stomach and make sure everything is good in the baby making area."

He smiled and said "so we get to do that cool sonogram where we can see where our future baby is gonna be?"

I said "yeah, are you excited." He smiled and said "yeah!"

I laughed and he kissed me and he said "let's get the hell out of here." I said "agreed."


It's been about a month since Soda and I have done anything sexual. I just got off my period and the OBGYN appointment is in 5 days.

I figured we probably shouldn't do anything anyway to play it safe since my stomach was still a little bruised.

I also had a bigger more embarrassing issue which was I hand shaved in about moth and a half and I didn't need my doctor seeing that.

I hated shaving down there. It hurt and I didn't like to wax it.

I never did it, my mom always did it for me or that one time emergency when my brother did it, ew bad memories.

I didn't really know who to ask. Maybe Evie, but I'm not as close with her and I feel like it would be awkward.

I don't know maybe Sylvia. She is my best friend and she is understanding. Almost like a sister to me. We've seen each other naked a lot of times before, but she's always shaved and I am too emotional to ask.

I guess me just sitting there at the kitchen table staring at my empty plate think about my pubes caught Soda's attention.

My last resort. I really didn't want him to do it because it was embarrassing.

He said "hey baby, you okay?" I said "yeah I'm all good."

He sat next to me and he whispered in my ear "guess who has a boner right now." I smiled and I said "it better not be you."

He said "no, it's Pony, he's so obsessed with Cherry, they're real cute together."

I laughed and I said "I know right, they are always together, plus I set them up."

Soda smiled and said "thank god you gave Pony the sex talk, I was too chicken to do it."

I said "can't talk about it to him, but you talk about it with me, you dream about it." He smiled and blushed a little and said "shhh!"

I shouted from the kitchen "Soda has sex dreams about me!!!!" He covered my hand with his mouth and the whole living room erupted in laughter.

He said "Molly has a wet pussy!!" I blushed so hard I thought my cheeks could fall off. The whole house laughed even louder.

I said "babe!!!!" He laughed and said "karma." I said "now you won't be gettin any action." He said "no baby I'm sorry please." He whined like a baby and I laughed.

I said "I'm going to call Evie, leave me alone." He made a puppy face and I kissed him and he grabbed my boob and I smiled into the kiss and we pulled away and he walked into the living room.

I went to our bedroom and I called Evie. She picked up and said "hey Molly." I smiled and said "hey, could you do me a favor."

She said "yeah sure!" I said "could you come by and help me shave, you know, down there. I'm scared to do it myself." She said "I would, but I'm busy this week, how about next week?"

I sighed and I said "it's okay, I have a OBGYN appointment this week, thanks though."

She said "no problem, love you." I said "love you too."

I hung up the phone and I didn't even try for Sylvia's number. Lately her and Dally have been getting together and I didn't want her drunk self telling him about my pubes.

I felt like she just would have made fun of me really instead of helping me.

I laid in bed and sighed. I felt myself drift off and about an hour later I heard to bedroom door slam shut.

I sat up startled and Soda smiled and said "want me to change you into your night gown?" I said "sure."

He took off my shirt and shorts and my bra and he was about to take off my underwear but I said "no baby, you can just put the night gown over it this time."

He said "okay." He slid it on over my head and fixed me hair.

I slid myself under the covers and I didn't feel tired anymore.

Soda striped down to his boxers and he said "baby, everything okay, you seem lost in your thoughts."

He slid on his sweatpants and laid in bed next to me. He looked me in the eyes and I said "yeah I promise I'm okay."

He smiled and said "okay." He started kissing me and the kiss was getting heated.

We were kissing facing each other and he lifted up my dress to try and pull my panties off but I said "stop."

He said "I'm sorry." I sighed and I rubbed my eyes and I said "it's okay, it's not your fault."

He said "tell me what's bothering you honey."

I said "promise you won't judge." He smiled and said "nope you're perfect to me."

I smiled and I kissed his cheek. I said "I haven't shaved in a while." I felt my cheeks get hot as he laughed.

He said "oh babe you're so dramatic, I mean look at me I have a lot going down there too."

He pulled down his pants and showed me his pubes and I smiled at his silliness.

He pulled back up his pants and I said "it's okay for you to have a lot of hair you're a boy."

He said "I'm pretty much a man, but I'm sure you don't even have that much, want me to help you shave it?"

I said "yeah but I don't know I'm embarrassed." He said "don't be baby, I'll help you in the shower tomorrow morning."

I said "okay, thanks baby." He smiled and said "no problem."

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