chapter 16

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Sodapop's POV:

I sat in the living room with Two, Steve, Pony, and Dally. Molly was at Sylvia's house. Probably getting wasted.

Steve said "so how are things with you and Molly." I said "shut up Steve." He said "we all know you like her." I said "how."

Two said "by the way you look at her." I said "so, we all think she's hot, why are you guys asking just me about her."

Steve said "because you two are always around each other and you guys act all shy and giggly." I said "I don't know, I don't think she likes me back."

Two said "I hope she does, for your sake." Dally said "yeah she's hot, got a great body too."

Two said "yeah she does." Dallas said "how would you know, you've never seen her naked." Two said "don't brag about it." Dallas looked at me and said "wait till you see her boobs."

I smiled and rolled my eyes and I started to think about what they might look like but I stopped because I don't really think dirty.

Dally said "I fingered her once and she lasted 2 minutes." I smiled and I said "really?" He said "yeah, boy could she cum and moan. He face will make you finish in no time."

I said "damn." Ew why was I thinking like that. Two said "who ever thought that Sodapop could think dirty like that." I said "I was just caught in the moment, I'm not as horny as you guys."

Steve said "Dallas what did you and Molly do?" Dally said "made out, gave each other hickeys, I fingered her, she gave me a hand job, I ate her out, she gave me a blow job."

Two said "was she good at it?" Dally said "yeah, real good." Steve said "so was she a good kisser?" Dally said "yeah, she has a cute face and she looks so sweet when you kiss her."

Two said "well what about her ass?" I have never seen Dallas blush in my life and he smiled and he said "she has a fat ass, you can't tell by now?"

Steve said "crop tops are all she owns, she's only worn a sweatshirt once or twice." Dallas said "just look at her ass the next time she wears jean shorts, her ass is always hanging out. "

Two said "we should go to the lake one day so we can check her out." Dallas and Steve laughed and I thought about it. It would be a good idea so I can get a better picture of her body.

We all agreed it would be a good idea and we'll go this weekend.

Two said "we'll have a good chance of seeing her half naked."

Then Molly walked in and we all froze up. She said "who do you want to see naked." I blushed a little and held back a smile.

Two said "uh..some girl I a party."Molly said "oh okay cool."

She looked around the room and she said "why are you guys so quiet?" Nobody said anything and she said "you guys are fucking weird."

She walked inside the kitchen and we all relaxed. I said "she popped out of nowhere. I didn't even hear her coming up the porch."

Steve said "I know she scared the shit out of me." She walked out of the kitchen with a beer and sat next to me on the couch and she made me nervous.

Every time I see her I get butterflies. She makes my heart race in a good way.

Steve smiled at me and she noticed. She said "what was that for? why are you guys being so secretive it's fucking annoying."

She downed half of the beer really fast. It was a small can but still, it was concerning. 

Then the phone started ringing and she answered it. She said "hello?" Then she smiled and said "I missed you too." I wonder who it was.

She said "no, I'm in Oklahoma now, so no more hook ups." Who the hell was this.

She said "we can't get back together." Must be one of her exs. By the way no one else was listening in on her conversation but me, everyone was focused on the TV.

I forgot Pony was still even in the room and he said "maybe we should go and see the sunset."

She said "yeah sure." She hung up the phone and said "thanks Pony let's go."

They got up and left and we all felt like we dodged a bullet.

Molly's POV:

We started walking down the block towards the park. I said "why the hell were they acting so weird." Pony said "because they were all talking about you." I said "what?"

Pony said "nothing bad, everyone just thinks you're hot." I said "but that's not new news, Pony what were they saying."

He said "well, they were talking about you in a sexual way." I said "ugh those horny pigs I can't stand."

He said "don't worry about it, guys talk nonsense all the time."

He filled me in on everything that happened but there was still something he wouldn't tell me. All he said was how Dallas was talking about our sexual experiences and how he was talking about my body but I knew he couldn't have been the only one talking.

We got home and I sat on the couch next to Sodapop. He said "how was the sunset?" I said "it was really nice." He said "we should look at the sunset one time just the two of us." I said "whatever floats your boat."

Pony said "Moll, there is mail for you." I said "okay thanks."

Pony bought me some letters and I opened my brothers first. Just any army drama I wanted to know about and how he sneaks out sometimes to see his girl Sandy.

Then the letter from my dad, my biological dad. Just him apologizing a lot, and some of his thoughts and some old pictures of me. I left them in the envelope and I read Kaleighs.

She told me about her liking for cars and the jeep Soda bought her. She really likes it and says she uses it everyday.

Then I got to my mom. Save the best for last. I opened her letter and I kept reading and reading about her life with her and Rob until the last few sentences were very important.

She said "baby, I hope you will be understanding and kind when I tell you that I am pregnant. Please do not act out, I will be okay, even though the baby was not planned, I am okay and ready to have the baby. I'm not sure if it is a boy or girl but we will name him/her Riley. I hope you will be happy and visit me so you can see some of the process.  The baby is now 6 months in the process. Rob and I are sorry we didn't tell you when I found out, or even when you visited, but we knew you even coming home would be a lot to handle. Now you have probably figured out

Love Mom.

Accidentally out loud I said "oh my fucking gosh." Soda looked at me and he said "what's wrong wanna talk in the kitchen?" I said "yes please now."

We went to the kitchen and I took a gin bottle and poured some in a cup. I sipped it and I said "oh gosh that shit burns." Soda laughed and said "tell me what happened."

I said "my mom is pregnant." He said "oh wow, that's cool are you excited." I said "yeah I guess so, I mean she is 35, and Rob is 32 so I guess they are really happy."

He said "yeah I don't see why you wouldn't be." I said "it grosses me out that she still has sex, ugh."

Soda laughed and he said "don't think about it that way, come on you should be more excited, I mean I'm more excited and she's not even my mom."

I looked in the envelope and my mom also sent old pictures of me and the pictures they took of me in her womb when I was only 2 months in the womb.

Soda looked at them and he said "you're so cute, you look like you're mom a lot." I said "do you like my mom or something?"

He said "well she is kinda hot." I gagged and I giggled and I said "you're so cute."

Fuck. I felt my eyes go wide and a blush go across my face. I didn't mean to say that out loud. He said "thanks."

I looked up from my hands and I said "well uh I guess I'm gonna go to bed." He put the photos back in the envelope and he said "good night Molly."

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