chapter 11

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Today is Friday and I am getting my stuff ready to drive back to Tucson, AZ. Soda and I decided it was best he came because I basically ran away and he was the one who offered me housing and I knew that my mom would want to meet him.

15 hours of driving was not fun at all. Soda slept for 12 hours because we left at night. The other three he told me about his ex Sandy and I told him about my first boyfriend and Dallas.

Besides the romance talk, lots of desert and creepy hitch hikers.

I finally got to my mom's house which was like a soc house since her new husband was kind of rich. I knocked on the door and she smiled and said "my baby!" I hugged her and she squeezed me tighter.

She pulled away and said "who is this?" I said "Sodapop." She smiled and she said "Hi Sodapop, are you guys dating?" I blushed and I said "no mom, Soda offered me a place to stay."

She said "aw thank you for keeping her off the street." Soda said "it's no problem." I smiled at him and back at my mom I said "where is Kaleigh?" My mom said "she is upstairs in her room, surprise her."

I said "come on Soda let's go."

We ran upstairs and I saw my sister laying on the floor with her toys playing. I said "Ky?" She looked at me and she ran up to me and threw herself on me and I caught her.

I held her up and I hugged her tight. I was so happy to see her. She was so cute and tiny and she still smelled like the children's safe detergent that always was such a sweet and simple smell that reminded me so much of her.

I put her down and she said "you have a boyfriend!" I said "no, that's not my boyfriend cutie, this is Sodapop." He knelt down and he said "hi." She smiled and said "hi."She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and she said "do you like my sister?"

I said "Kaleigh, stop."She giggled and Soda sat on the floor next to her and he put her in his lap. He said "you like to play with cars?" She said "yeah, I like cars."

He said "Molly you can go catch up with your mom if you want I'll play with her." I said "okay, be careful, both of you." Kay said "okay, bye Molly, will you come back this time?"

That sentence, the whole phrase felt like a bullet to the heart. I didn't really know what to say because I was a little shocked.  I said "yes, I promise I'm just going to talk to mommy."

I walked downstairs and I saw my mom talking to my step dad. Kaleigh and I share the same dad, my mom got married recently.

I said "hey guys."My mom's husband Rob said "hey Molly!" I smiled and I said "long time no see huh?" He hugged me and I hugged back. He was always really nice to me.

I said "so have you guys seen my dad?" Rob said "yeah, he's been looking all over for you, he feels horrible, you're older brother doesn't know you ran away and he's been sending letters here, you should reply and tell him your new address." I said "yeah that's a good idea."

I went upstairs to check on Kaleigh and Soda and they seemed okay. I opened the door and Soda was sitting with her playing with the car race track my dad had bought her for Christmas last year.

I said "hey guys." Kaleigh said "Molly! Sodapop beat me in the car race." I laughed and I said "that's okay, you will win next time."

Soda said "you beat me 2 other times." He tickled her side and she laughed. He really seemed to get along well with kids.

It was really sweet to see him make Kaleigh laugh.  I said "Kaleigh keep playing Soda and I are gonna go to our room okay?"

She said "ooo are you guys gonna make out." She started making kissy noises. I said "no baby, okay, play with your cars."

Soda was smiling at me when he got up. He said "how was talking to your mom." I said "I didn't really have to fill her in on much because I would call her sometimes, I just didn't tell her where I was staying because I didn't want her to come find me."

He said "yeah I get that, so what about your brother." I said "I have to write him and tell him I left home."

Soda said "want me to help you write it?" I said "it's okay, I'm gonna write it tonight, I'm kind of tired after all that driving."

We walked into the room my mom had for me at her house and I forgot how big it was. I missed this house.

I said "you can put your stuff down in my closet." We walked into my closet and dropped out bags and I laid on the bed.

Soda said "can we go to the Grand Canyon one day?" I said "yeah sure, maybe on the way back." He said "good I've always wanted to go."

I said "yeah I love it there it's real nice." He said "can we take a nap, I'm kind of tired myself." I said "yeah sure."

My mom walked up to my room and she said "hey guys, what are you gonnna do now." She gave me a suspicious look because I was sitting in bed with a boy.

I said "we are going to take a nap, that's it, we can have dinner when we wake up." My mom said "okay, leave the door open."

I forgot parents had so many rules and they were always making sure you were in line.

She left and I said "I'm gonna change I'll be back." I walked into my closet and closed the door. I searched around for my cigarettes I hid along with some other drugs and I saw it was still there.

I was always a little paranoid my mom would find it but she didn't. I also was hiding some alcohol in here too but that was well hidden in my suitcases.

I changed into a tank top and boys underwear. Yes it was weird but so much more comfortable. You know like those tight nylon ones. They were so comfortable to sleep in.

I walked out of the closet and Soda looked me up and down. In Arizona I didn't hang out with huge groups of boys so I wore shorter and tighter clothes.

I said "what are you lookin at." He smiled and said "nothing." I got in bed next to him and he was shirtless in sweatpants. He looked kinda hot but I wasn't going t stare like he does.

I turned my back to him and I felt him put his arm around me and he pulled me closer to him. I backed up into him a little more and I held the hand he had around me.

What was happening right now.

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