chapter 31

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We got to the diner and Soda and I ordered our pancakes. They were sooo good. We were both starving.

When we finished eating Soda said "so how did you feel about last night." I blushed a little as I smiled and I recalled last night's events.

I said "it was really good, did I do a good job?" He smiled and said "yes baby of course." I said "good I haven't done it in a while."

He said "I never did it once, I just went with it." I said "I'm glad I could be the first girl you fingered." 

He blushed a little and I said "aww I made you blush!!" He chuckled and he said "yeah when you're around of course I am."

I said "you're so cute." He said "you're even cuter." He said "no I'm not." I said "yes you are." He said "no your cuter." I said "no, you're cute."

He said "you are the cutest girl I've ever seen." I said "you're the cutest boy I've ever seen." He took my hand and held it and kissed it.

I smiled as I looked into his blue eyes that twinkled when he looked at me.  He said "I want to take you out on a date again."

I said "where should we go." He said "wherever you want." I said "well the mall sounds good to me." He laughed and said "if that's what you want to do than we can."

I said "so if we go to the mall we have to do something you want to do too." He said "maybe we can play football in the lot."

I said "okay we can do that sometime, I like football." He said "good, have you talked to your mom since you left home."

I said "yeah she is due in two months for the baby." He said "is it a boy or a girl?" I said "I think she said girl, girls run strong on our side of the family."

He said "well boys are more common with my family, I wonder what gender our baby will be." I said "awww you thought about having a baby with me?"

He smiled and said "yeah of course, I also thought about how we could make the baby." I blushed and giggled. I said "I love babies but they are hard work."

He said "yeah I remember when Ponyboy was born and my mom was so excited but nervous at the same time."

I said "yeah I was excited when Kaleigh was born, I was only 12 so I was excited." He said "how do parents find alone time?"

I laughed and I said "I don't know, but we will for sure." He smirked and said "we'll have alone time all the time."

I said "yeah I like when it's just us." He said "me too." I said "and when make out, and touch each other up."

He said "i love to touch your boobs and your ass." I blushed and I said "Soda!" He smiled and laughed at my reaction.

I said "I think it's time to go." He said "wait I can't." I said "why not let's go." He quietly said "because I have a boner right now."

I rolled my eyes and I said "if someone saw our relationship from the outside, they would think you're the one on birth control, not me."

He smiled and said "I'm glad you're on it, I love when you're horny." I said "I love when you're horny."

He smiled and said "the boner won't go away if you keep talking like this."


Today Sylvia was over and we were in my room talking shit about people. Then she said "how are you and Dallas." I said "fine, now he is just a really good friend." She said "so what about you and Soda."

I smiled and I said "he fingered me the other day." She smirked and said "really? did you like it." I blushed a little and I said "yeah."

She said "so tell me how it happened." I said "well, we were at the party, then he said he wanted to go home for 'private time' and I agreed so we left and we came back to our room and started making out and touching each other up and then he undressed me and fingered me."

She smiled and said "oooo sounds like things got frisky huh?" I giggled and I said "yeah, I gave him a hand job." She shrieked and said "Molly!! That's so good, I'm so proud."

I laughed and I said "I hadn't done it in so long, I was nervous."  She said "see I told you it would be fine, and the costume made him horny." I rolled my eyes and laughed and I said "yeah, it did."

Then Evie walked in and I said "hey !" She smiled and said "hi." She sat on the bed next to us and she said "I heard about your fun night with Soda." I said "how do you know."  She said "Steve told me."

I said "oh my god that's so embarrassing." I was a little annoyed that Soda was talking about our sexual situations but I tried to put my feelings aside.

Sylvia and Evie laughed and I rolled my eyes. Evie said "I heard you guys haven't had sex yet." I said "yeah, I'm too scared to do that." Sylvia said "it feels so good trust me."

I laughed and I said "of course you think that, I don't know what do you and Steve think about sex." She said "we just did it about two weeks ago, I wasn't a virgin before so I was fine."

I said "I want to now since all of you guys have."

Soda knocked on the door, I only knew it was him because he said "can I come in." I said "yeah." He walked in and he said "pizza's here." I said "okay."

The three of us walked out of the bedroom and Sylvia and Dally looked at each other and looked away. I wish they had never dated, for the sake of her hanging out with us more.

She said "uh, I gotta go to a thing..with my mom." I laughed and I said "okay see ya."

She walked out and Two Bit whistled and said "damn she is fine." I laughed and I said "I think she has eyes for someone else." Dally and I made eye contact and I raised an eyebrow.

He knew what I was trying to tell him and he smiled.

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