013 - Kaleidoscope Of Happy Dreams

Start from the beginning

Hazel's hands faltered for a moment as she looked over at gar. She took a deep breath and grabbed her coffee before moving to sit across from Gar, resting her hand under her chin. She sighed, "I didn't mean to scare you-"

"You didn't! I mean you did," Gar stammered. "I'm just worried. Your powers sparked out on their own. You looked like you had seen a ghost." Hazel dropped her head and sighed. "I just wanna make sure you're okay Haze."

"Ninety-seven nights," Hazel said, setting her cup aside. "I've had a nightmare, every night, for ninety-seven nights." Gar's eyes widened and Hazel shrugged softly, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I thought I had control over everything by now. I'm sorry that I hurt you, I really didn't mean-"

"Hey," Gar said quickly, leaning over to grab Hazel's hand. "You have to stop apologising. I know you think I'm scared of you but I'm not." Hazel nodded softly, and Gar squeezed her hand softly. "I still wanna play Mortal Kombat, if you're up for it."

Hazel laughed and shook her head, "If you're prepared to lose."

Gar raced from the stool and jumped onto the couch, successfully grabbing the player one controller before Hazel could even make it to the couch. "Hey that's not fair," Hazel complained, jumping over the back of the couch. Gar shrugged, handing Hazel the second controller. Krypto barked at them and jumped between them, resting his head on Hazel's leg. "Hey computer?" Hazel called, patting Krypto's head.

"Yes Miss Hazel?"

"Is there a way to project the computer screen onto the TV?"

"Just a moment."

They waited for a moment before Gar's computer screen went black, then the TV turned on, Mortal Kombat 11 projected across the large, expensive TV. "Thank you computer," Gar yelled. "Now are you ready to have your ass handed to you Sunshine?"

"Are you Tiger Boy?"

Gar screamed in protest as Hazel beat his character once again. "Yes! That's what happens when you pin bugs against the great Kung Lao!" Hazel shouted in victory ignoring Gar's yells of protest. She pressed a few buttons and started the animation of Kung Lao starting to speed up his razor hat to attack D'vorah.

"Just because you're amazing at everything," Gar huffed, watching the fatality play through. Hazel leaned back against the couch, setting her controller in her lap. Hazel's eyes scanned over Gar's face, a soft smile playing at her lips. Gar sighed and leant back against the couch, his eyes lifting to meet Hazel's gaze. Gar chuckled softly, shaking his head, "What?"

Hazel shook her head and picked up the controller again. "Nothing. You up for a rematch?"

By the time night had taken over, a light rain had settled in. Gar put the fireplace on high, wandering around as he finished cleaning the dinner dishes. Hazel emerged from the hall, holding two guitars high over her head. "You're learning to play!" Hazel shouted, setting the guitars down and throwing a thick blanket on the floor.

"Are we even sure I can play?" Gar asked, walking over to sit in front of Hazel.

"I'll just have to teach you more then," Hazel said shrugging. "Okay this is a right-handed guitar. You sit it on your left leg, your left hand goes on top," Hazel set the guitar on her leg, tapping the side of the guitar. Gar copied the action, checking his hands. "Right hand goes under. This hand will make all the chords." Hazel pressed her fingers to the strings, strumming with her other and creating a soft E chord.

Gar hummed, nodding his head. "Okay, chords, noise, body," Gar listed off, tapping at the guitar as he did. "Teach me a song."

"You don't even-"

GODS , g logan | Re-writeWhere stories live. Discover now