We get back to set and meet everyone in the green room. They weren't very happy to see that we didn't get them anything. Chris is right now having a 'disagreement' with Lizzie because apparently she didn't know until they had left that they had gone to pick me up. It's very funny to see Chris's face whilst she is telling him off.

I go and find my mum because I haven't see her yet. Florence told me that she's in her trailer. I knock on the door before opening it and finding her sat on the couch with her laptop.

 "Hey baby. How was school?" She asks me as I sit next to her. She pulls me closer and kisses my head.

 "Boring but okay. I didn't skip any classes" I tell her. The last few weeks have just consisted of me skipping class so it's unusual for me to not skip.

 "I know baby. I'm proud of you" she says kissing my head again. I smile at her and ask her how her day went. She tells me that it was good and that she's nearly finished so we could go home soon.

She also tells me that my dad's stopping by for dinner. At first I though that it would be awkward for her and him to be in the same room because well that's how I thought it would be when you divorce but it's actually not that awkward although there are a few occasions.

She walks me back to the green room before she leaves and goes back to film some more. I sit with Chris, who is finished for the day.

 "How come your still on set if your finished" I ask him. He smirks at me.

 "Because I want to spend time with my godchild. Child" he tells me. We get bored so I make him play a game with me.

I get him to play a game of hide and seek.

I run off whilst he's counting. I run into Lizzie. Ah just the person I need.

 "Lizzie I need a favour" she puts her hand on her hip and raises her eyebrow at me.

 "What have you done now kid?"  She asks me.

 " What? Nothing I just need your car key"

 "what for? You can't drive" I shake my head.

 "I know. I just need a place to hide. I'm playing hide and seek with chris" she nods and gives me her key. 

 I run to the parking lot and find her car . I hide in the backseat and decide to play some music whilst I'm waiting. I try and find a good radio station but find none. I only just realise that I left my phone in the green room. Great!

Scarlett's POV:

I've only just finished filming and I want to see my baby. She and Chris aren't in the green room. Okay where are they? 

I look in my trailer and then his but nothing. Where's my kid? I call him and get no answer. I also call Maddie.

"Maddie where are you?" I ask.

"this is Robert. She left her phone in the green room."

I hang up the phone and go to the green room. Robert gives me her phone and tells me that He hasn't seen them either. Okay now I'm getting worried.

it's not that I don't trust Chris but I don't trust Chris. He and Maddie on their own are not a good idea. He's a big child. 

I make my way back to my trailer and am met with lizzie and chris. 

 "Christopher Evans. where is my child?" He gives me a scared look.

 "We're playing hide and seek and I can't find her and Lizzie won't tell me where she is" I raise my eyebrows at him before turning to Lizzie.

 "She hiding in my car" Chris runs ahead and I walk beside Lizzie, linking our arms.

 "So.. You and Maddie seem to be doing okay" I nod my head and give her a wide grin.

 "Yeah, I'm just worried"

"Matthew wants her to live with me permanently and whilst that's great for me. She isn't going to be too happy. She only thinks that this is temporary. He also said that I could tell her the reason why I left. But Liz I don't know how. she's going to hate him and probably me" I continue. Lizzie stops us from walking.

 "Scarlett, she needs to know. I know that you think that it's for the best not telling her but its not. She's no longer a little kid and she has questions. So what, if she hates her dad, he's made her hate you so why shouldn't he learn what it feels like. He stopped you from being her mom for years. She loves you a lot and even though you don't see it we all do. She's an amazing kid and needs her mom" She tells me.

I nod my head and hug her. I really needed to hear that. I will tell her. I just don't know when the best time to tell her is.

Chris and Maddie start walking up to us. Maddie laughing at Chris's failure to find her.

 "I win. I win. I win. You lose" she sings at him. He smirks and lifts her in the air. She yells at him but Chris just laughs and continues walking to us.

 "Put me down you big giant. It's not my fault you loss" she tells him. Me and Lizzie both laugh at that.

 "Help me" she tells us. Lizzie just shakes her head. However I smirk at Maddie and put my hand on my hip.

 "Christopher Evans! Are you trying to kill her?" I say to him. He quickly puts her on the floor safely.

 "It's called godfather and goddaughter bonding" he says sheepishly. I just smile and put my arm around Maddie's shoulder.

 "Let's go home baby" she agrees and we go back to my trailer to grab a few of my things before saying goodbye.



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