The first years

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In 2025, Meredith had started working at her fathers writing company. When the babies turned one on the 8th of January, Damon and Stefan was walking and talking. Elena on the other hand was walking and talking but she was very quiet. 

By the time they were two, they all were potty trained and talking. Terrible two's were no joke either. They threw tantrums. They screamed and hit. They were not behaved, but they did have manners and were not always bad.

On January 6, 2027, Eric started to work as a designer at his father, Jack McClean's company. When the children hit age three, Damon, Stefan, and Elena were all very well behaved and had great manners. They were polite and kind to others for the most part.

In 2028, the children turned 4, Elena's hair was half way down her back and she refused to get it cut, Damon was fascinated with the drums, and Stefan was starting to play the guitar. Meredith and Eric had also finished planning the wedding.

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