Help Meredith

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When Meredith and Eric arrive at Eric's house, it is already 11:00. Meredith starts to pace back and forth, in front of the tv. Eric walks over to Meredith and hugs her.

"This can't be happening to me, Eric! I can't do this! I just can't!" cries Meredith as she beats on Eric's chest. 

"It will be okay, My Love. I won't leave you. I promise." says Eric in a lovingly hurt kind of way.

Eric leads Meredith to the couch and helps her sit. Then he grabs her phone and calls Meredith's dad, Mr. Dove.

The phone rings for a while but goes to voicemail. Eric tries again, but the same thing happens. As Eric rocks Meredith's sobbing body, he thinks about what he should do. He scrolls through Meredith's phone and then he calls Mr. Dove's work phone number. 

The phone rings twice before a lady answers and says "How can I help you Meredith." 

"I need Mr. Dove." says Eric in a panicked voice. 

"Who am I speaking to." says the nice lady with uncertainty in her voice. 

"I am Eric, Meredith's boyfriend and this is an emergency involving Meredith." says Eric. 

"I will transfer you to Mr. Dove immediately." says the lady. 

"Thank you." says Eric.

A couple seconds pass and then a males voice says "Hello." 

"Meredith is having a mental breakdown because we can't do the test that determines the father." says Eric in a rushed tone. 

"Calm down. Why can't you do the test." says Mr. Dove. 

"We can't do the test because she is pregnant with triplets. I can't get her to calm down." says Eric. 

"Put me on speaker phone and sit next to her." says Mr. Dove. 

"Okay, we are at my house. The address is 339 East Fredric Street." says Eric. 

"I'll be over there as fast as I can." says Mr. Dove.

Eric puts the phone on speaker phone and sits next to Meredith. As Eric holds her, Mr. Dove talks to her. Finally, after 35 minutes, Mr. Dove arrives at Eric's house.

Mr. Dove rushes into the house and over to Eric and Meredith. He gets on his knees and grips Meredith's hands. As he talks to her gently, Eric holds her, now shaking, body. Until she finally calms down. 

"You will be fine Meredith. You just need to think of your friends and family, okay." says Mr. Dove. 

"No Dad. It is not going to be okay. I can't do this. I wanted to have kids with Eric. When we were ready. Not because I was kidnapped and forced to do things with 3 guys. Three guys that I don't even know or like. I won't be okay. I won't be fine. I need to know who the father is." mutters Meredith in a trans like voice. 

Eric thinks for a moment. Then he says "Hey, My Love, what if they are mine? What if I'm the father?

"I'd be happy. Happier then you can even know." says Meredith.

"There is a possibility that the babies are mine. You know that right?" says Eric.

"I didn't think about that. Do you really think that they are?" says Meredith.

"I do. I really do." says Eric.

"Okay. I guess that I will be okay." says Meredith.

Mr. Dove smiles and gets up he pats Eric's shoulder and kisses Meredith's forehead. Then he says "I have to make a phone call. I will be right back." says Mr. Dove. 

Once Mr. Dove leaves the room, Eric kisses Meredith and says "I love you." 

"I love you too. I'll do whatever I can to show you that." says Meredith.

"You don't have to prove or show me that you love me, because I already know that you love me." says Eric as Mr. Dove walks into the room.

"It is twelve twenty, p. m. Do you want to have lunch with me." says Mr. Dove. 

"If it is okay with Meredith, then I don't see why we wouldn't." says Eric.

"I would love to join you for lunch." Says Meredith.

"Great then lets go." says Mr. Dove.

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