Morning sickness

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When Meredith wakes up, Eric is not in bed. She gets up and goes into the kitchen to see Eric. Eric is making scrambled eggs and bacon. When the smell of bacon hits Meredith's nose, she gets a sickening feeling. She runs into the bathroom and starts to vomit.

Once she is done vomiting, she apologizes to Eric. 

"It's not your fault, My Love." says Eric as he comforts Meredith. 

"I know that, but.." says Meredith before Eric cuts her off by saying "There is no buts, I meant what I said. This is not your fault, but we do need to tell everyone that you are pregnant." 

"I know that we do, but I wanted to wait and see who the father is. I have an appointment on May 19." says Meredith. 

"I don't think that we should wait that long to tell them." says Eric. 

"I know that you are right, but I am scared. I am so scared, Eric." says Meredith. 

"I know that you are scared, but I will be right next to you, I won't leave your side, and they deserve to know." says Eric. 

"Okay. I will rent a private room at the Chinese restaurant on first street." says Meredith as she picks up her phone.

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