Eric's room

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Eric's bedroom was on the third floor. It had Navy Blue walls and white trim. It had a walk in closet and a bathroom. Meredith set her bag on the fluffy gray carpet. Then she sits on the king size bed with Eric.

Eric hugs Meredith, while Meredith cries. Finally, Eric says "Do you want to explain the whole James thing to me." 

"J - James was born into a rich family. He had everything given to him. He - he was spoiled. We met in high school, and started dating my freshman year. He had a band and he was making real money. His mother, Mrs. Dean, warned me of his temper, but I didn't listen. I was to stubborn to heed my father's warning too. James proposed to me four years later, but I told him no. I told him that we had just finished high school. He laughed at me and told me that if I didn't marry him right then and there, then it was over. So we broke up. He didn't take it so well, when I just walked away. He had forced me to do things for him while we were dating. Things that I didn't want to do. When he had proposed, I was in his apartment. He locked me in a closet and did things to me. I was in that closet for 2 weeks, before I escaped. His father didn't do anything when I told him. He tried to pay me to be quite. So I took the money and went to the cops. I gave the cops the money that Mr. Dean gave me. They arrested James, but Mr. Dean bailed him out. James beat me and threatened me for a couple of months after that." says Meredith. 

"It will be okay now. I got you." says Eric.

Meredith and Eric lay down and as Eric comforts Meredith, they fall asleep.

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