Baby troubles (part three)

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Elijia just shakes his head, a troubled look flashes on his face, one second it's there the next it's gone. 

Then he yells "Elevate her head! I need water! Does anyone have a bottle of water!" 

As Eric elevates Meredith's head, Meredith whispers that she is scared. Someone in the crowd hands Elijia a water bottle. Elijia takes out his handkerchief and pours the water on it. Then he places the handkerchief on Meredith's forehead.

As Eric strokes Meredith's hair, Elijia rechecked Meredith's pulse. He shakes his head again and starts to feel Meredith's belly. He asks for more water and handkerchiefs. People oblige and hand over as much as they could find. As Elijia soaked handkerchief after handkerchief and lays them on Meredith's belly and around her neck and forehead, Meredith hears the ambulance.

A few seconds later, a door opens and two people in blue uniforms run towards Meredith with a stretcher. The paramedics ask Elijia what was going on, and Elijia says "I did what I could, but I don't know what is wrong with her. I think she is having a stroke, but she is burning up." 

They nod their heads and then they lay out the stretcher. 

Once they carefully get Meredith on the stretcher, they wheel her to the ambulance. Elijia tells Eric to go. Eric runs and climbs into the ambulance. Meredith mumbles something about the babies as they arrive at the hospital, 10 minutes later.

"What about the babies? Are they going to be okay? Is she going to be okay?" says Eric as they wheel Meredith into the hospital. 

"We will check on your babies in a minute. First we have to get her temperature down." says a doctor.

After an hour, Meredith is okay. The doctors checked on the babies and said that they were fine too, but they keep her that in the hospital anyways.

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