Chapter 1391-1400

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Chapter 1391: He's really not worth mentioning

After Mu Guifan jumped into the Demon Eye, he searched for a long time.

The space under the fountain is so large that it is almost as large as a city away, which is only a horizontal width away.

I don't know how deep it is...

The water in the Devil's Eye is divided into two layers, the upper layer is blood red, and the lower layer is pitch black as night.

When Mu Guifan first came down, the tumbling red pool of water pulled at his soul like billions of ghost hands, and he felt like he had fallen into a ghost cave.

The point is that these things can also pierce people's minds and make people's heads dizzy and painful.

Mu Guifan searched for a long time, but because the red pool water was in a state of tumbling all the time, as if it had been boiled, it was difficult to find the location of Su Yunchao.

If the pool water was still, he only needed to look for the spot where he fell, but now Su Yunchao was likely to roll under the entire pool of water.

Mu Guifan kept looking back and forth, looking down as he looked, and he had already reached the depth of the black pool.

His mood also sank to the extreme, if Su Yunchao had already fallen into the depth of the black pool, it would be almost hopeless.

The black pool of water can swallow time and space, not to mention Su Yunchao... Even he didn't dare to go down easily.

Mu Guifan checked the equipment and used all the defensive weapons that could be used, and then he carefully sank.

He searched around again, back and forth twice, but there was still nothing.

The further down he went, the more chaotic the time and space became, and Mu Guifan saw a ghost beast swimming towards him quickly, probably like a whale.

It's just that not far from him, an undercurrent flows abruptly, and the body of the ghost beast is gone, leaving only the middle part of the body.

The chaotic time and space are like a ruthless meat grinder, or silent, leaving no traces.

The ghost beast didn't let out a single wail, and was cut off without a sound, and died so that it could no longer die.

Mu Guifan's heart was even tighter, always alert to the movements around him, he sank a few meters further, looking for Su Yunchao in this range.

The water that is still tumbling at the bottom of the pool, the meat grinder of time and space that appears irregularly like the Grim Reaper, and the potential unknown danger...

If you are not careful, you will die here.

Mu Guifan looked back and forth twice, but still didn't see Su Yunchao.

He knew that it was unlikely that Su Yunchao would come back, and he didn't know how to go back and explain this matter to Su Jinyu and Su Bao.

They must be very sad.

Mu Guifan was in a very heavy mood, he wanted to go down further, and he refused to give up until he reached the bottom of the pool.

But at this time, something suddenly moved at the bottom of the pool.

Mu Guifan felt a terrifying sense of oppression, and he stared at the bottom of the pool...

Suddenly, the surrounding water shook violently, and a dark light suddenly lit up at the bottom of the pool, refracting in the bottom of the water, lighting up long "glass surfaces" - similar to the Tyndall effect.Mu Guifan's heart is full of alarm bells!

He stared at the bottom of the pool, the distance was still too far, he couldn't see clearly, but vaguely saw the appearance of a palace building, and something was rushing out quickly...

Just as he was about to see more clearly, the light and shadow at the bottom of the pool suddenly rolled into the shape of a huge wheel, and rushed towards him!

Mu Guifan's pupils shrank, and he immediately turned back, desperately flying upwards!

Where the light wheel passed, many hidden ghost beasts were swept in, and those ghost beasts that were swept into it let out a short wail, and disappeared without a trace at once- Crushed into nothingness

by the runaway giant wheel!

Mu Guifan's cold hair stood up, and the light wheel was getting closer and closer, and he felt that he was going to be sucked in.

Fortunately, at this time, he saw the blood-colored pool on the top floor, and he was about to go out.

However, at this time, the huge light wheel suddenly disappeared, everything returned to calm, and the pool of water that had been tumbling turned into a pool of stagnant water in an instant...

Mu Guifan secretly said in his heart that it was not good, and he rushed out even more desperately, and when he was about to fly out of the water, there was a huge suction force from the bottom, and he tried his best to leave the water, and the suction force was suddenly empty.

Mu Guifan escaped.

He looked back in shock.

In just a second, he saw that all the water in the pool was sucked in, and the pupils of the demon's "eyes" seemed to collapse out of control, and all the pool collapsed downward, but soon the blood-red pool of water gushed up and rolled again, as if nothing had happened.

Mu Guifan reached the shore, staggered under his feet, and sat on the ground.

He stared at the Demon Eye in a daze, feeling very powerless in his heart.

In such a dead end, if Su Yunchao can survive, it will really be against the sky.

Mu Guifan suddenly thought of the golden light on his body, and his merits were complete...

It's not necessarily true, but even if he survives, he should be in the deepest part of the pool at this moment.

Under the light and shadow like the "glass surface", how to find this.

Mu Guifan smiled bitterly, thinking that Su Jinyu and Su Bao should be waiting very anxiously, find them first and talk about them, and then discuss the rest of the matter!

Five minutes later.

Mu Guifan stood at the junction of the grass and the woods, looking at the family members who were happily picnic: "..."

Isn't it, what about the anxiety and sadness that are good?

Mu Guifan imagined-

Su Jinyu looked anxious, hugged Su Bao and secretly wiped her tears: Your father will be fine, right? Why hasn't he come up yet?

The reality that Mu Guifan saw-

Su Jinyu: "Hahaha,! Why didn't you pounce at the time! Eight-pack abs! It's useless to give you a chance!!

Mu Guifan: "..."


Is he really not worth mentioning?

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