Chapter 641-650

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Chapter 641 - Fork Out to Reproduce the Rivers and Lakes

Su Bao looked left and right, what about Master Father, Master Father!

Ji Chang seemed to feel the exchange of Su Bao, and appeared from the other side: "Here it is."

Su Bao said excitedly: "Master, I saw it!" It's evil!

Ji Chang stared at the villain and nodded, "Yes, this is evil, condensed by the evil thoughts in people's hearts, and does not belong to the ghosts of the netherworld."

This woman is also quite powerful, and one night can condense the evil thoughts in her heart.

At this point, the first evil that appeared finally appeared.

"Master, do you want to arrest it?" Su Bao asked.

Ji Chang shook his head: "Wait a minute, you haven't caught the evil yet, pay attention..."

Before the words fell, I saw that as soon as Su Bao raised her hand, the evil who did not open her eyes let out a sharp cry and was squeezed by her hand!

Ji Chang: "..."

Su Bao said, "It's okay Master! If it bites me, I'll throw it into the Hades Hall to feed King Ping.

"King Ping can't gag yet, I still have to train, so I can feed something from time to time."

Ji Chang: "..."

It feels like the king of equality is being raised as a dog.

No, that's not the point.

He looked at the evil in Su Bao's hand in horror and said: "You can't directly catch it, this evil can follow people's skin and drill into people's hearts."
Once the evil is formed, it is not just an
evil thought in a person's heart, it will be like an evil spirit, it can harm people, but after harming people, it will return to the mother.

Su Bao said: "It's not a big problem! I'm in good spirits. Season

is often full of black lines.

On the other side, Yuqing saw Su Bao and Mu Guifan coming out from next door, and then muttered.

She was strange, how could Mu Guifan also be here?

Yuqing couldn't help but be alert in her heart.

"Commander Mu... Why are you here? Yuqing said coquettishly.

Mu Guifan directly ignored her and walked over with Su Bao in his arms.

The evil spirits have already been caught, what are they still keeping for?

Looking at Mu Guifan, who didn't give her a look, Yu couldn't help but grit her teeth secretly.

She frowned and thought about something, and saw that a person came out of the next room, it was Daming!

Daming was holding a laptop handbag, a USB flash drive in his hand, and two mobile phones on the other side.

Seeing her, he showed a trace of disgust in his eyes and walked straight away.

Yuqing immediately chased after him: "Li Daming, what do you mean?" You stalking me? Daming

ignored her and entered the elevator to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yuqing grabbed the elevator door and asked vigorously: "Are you following me!" Are these things you are holding in your hands secretly photographing me?

Daming stared ahead and pursed his lips without speaking.

Yuqing knows him well enough, and his appearance shows that there really is!

"You give it to me!" Yuqing said angrily: "You are violating my privacy!"

Without saying a word, Yuqing grabbed his hand and prepared to grab the USB flash drive.

Unexpectedly, Daming raised his hand and threw her aside, Yuqing fell out, and was clipped by the closed elevator.

The rain is urgent.

Yes, she loves to play.

But that's her private matter, what's wrong with people having a little hobby, and exposing her is his.

Yuqing ran back to the room and got her mobile phone to call Daming.

"Li Daming, what do you want to do?"

Li Daming said coldly: "What did you do last night, don't you know."

Yu Qing was angry: "Are you trying to take revenge on me?" Are you still a grandfather? If you don't get it, you will destroy it? I really misread you! Daming

hooked the corner of his mouth mockingly, hung up the phone, and added her phone to the blacklist by the way.

Yuqing saw that Daming dared to hang up her phone, he was so angry, he didn't dare to do this before, he had to reply to her in seconds when she sent a message, and he would tell her in advance when he couldn't reply to the message if he had anything.

Now not only dare to push her to the ground, but also hang up her phone!

The rain hit again, and it was no longer possible.

She went out again in a hurry, wanting to find Su Yichen, but she didn't know which room he was in.

The rain sends a message to your heart:

[Mr. Su, where are you... I'm waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor.
】 What brother
in the room, long forgotten by the rain, took his own things and left, that what kind of Enkai was too tired, slept like a dead pig, and did not know what happened.

As soon as Yuqing arrived at the lobby, she saw Su Yichen talking to the hotel manager, and vaguely heard what 3097...

She was overjoyed and hurried over: "Mr. Su..."

Su Yichen frowned.

"That's all." He said.

The hotel manager quickly nodded and respectfully sent Su Yichen out of the hotel.

Yuqing caught up: "Mr. Su... Wait for me! Our affairs were secretly photographed by others!

"It's my ex-boyfriend... This person is too despicable, if you don't get it, you will be destroyed, Mr. Su, you need to help me."

Yao Diyue tilted her head and looked behind her.

Why does this woman still have a long tail?

Yao Diyue stared at the 'tail'.

It turns out that this is not a tail, but a remnant of the evil villain left after being taken away by Su Bao.

When the evil thoughts in a person's heart are constant, the evil villain will eventually grow again, sooner or later.

Su Yichen took Yao Diyue, carefully helped her pull on the suit jacket that was ready to fall, and said, "Let's go, don't look." Yao

Diyue's beautiful eyes blinked, staring at Yuqing's eyes.

Yuqing was jealous to death in her heart, she had already seen Yao Diyue wearing Su Yichen's coat.

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