Chapter 461-470

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Chapter 461: Three Children's Midnight Adventure

The two little ones almost screamed.

The black shadow at the door spoke: "Where are you going?" It

was Su He Wen's voice...

Su He Wen wore gray house clothes, frowned and said, "Remember to call me first next time."

Su Bao was stunned, "Okay big brother..."

Su He asked the same expression: "No problem, big brother..."

His brother actually wants to sneak with them, it's strange!

Su He Wen adjusted the high-tech watch on his wrist, with an invisible, and said indifferently: "You are too stupid, I am afraid that you will be abducted by a stupid woman again." Where

will he go to find someone then? Just like his brother, don't go out by yourself, lest they end up looking for him.

Su He asked: "..."

I have to say that seven, eight, or nine-year-old children are the most daring.

Children at this age have no sense of crisis, and they dare to go over the mountains alone, go to the county Internet café dozens of kilometers away to surf the Internet, and dare to ride with their friends to 'travel the world', so that adults all over the world to find, these news is really not too much.

Su He Wen, Su He Wen and Su Bao just touched the yard like this, first went to find the wolf dog and Shouwang, led the dog and ran.

Su He asked nervously: "Sister, why bring a dog?"

Su Bao is very professional: "It's all performed on TV. Take

the dog, the dog can find people.

She's a kid who has done her homework!

Su He was speechless.

The three came to the backyard grove, it was impossible to climb the wall, too high to climb out, so they chose to drill the dog hole.

Su Bao said, "I'll climb first."

Su He asked to hold her: "No, what if there are snakes in the ditch?" My brother climbed first.

Su He Wen: "..."

He lay down speechlessly, drilling a dog hole very inelegantly, a world away from the little gentleman who quietly read Shakespeare before.

Su Bao followed in the middle, and after Su He asked the break, when he climbed halfway, he inadvertently remembered the female ghost he had just dreamed of, and there was always a feeling that Sadako was crawling behind him, and it arched faster for a while.

Then he hit Su Bao's butt head-on.

Su Bao fell a dog and gnawed the grass: "Ouch..."

Su He Wen immediately pulled her up, hugged her in his arms and frowned, "Is there something wrong?"

He remembers crying in the afternoon about whether her front teeth had fallen out.

Su Bao poured the grass in his mouth: "I'm fine, my front teeth are still there!"

Su He Wen: "..."

Mu Guifan sat on the wall, looking at the three unconscious little radish heads like knights, and got out with ambition, and ran fast with a puff of smoke.

Wolf dogs and stray dogs follow behind and spread their feet and run, and wolf dogs run fast, probing the way ahead, sniffing this and sniffing that.

Shouwang was gentle and honest, closely following Su Bao, guarding her like a heartbroken old lady.

Mu Guifan let out a low laugh and said in a suppressed voice: "Wan Bashi, you follow first, look after the young lady, and ensure her safety."

After a pause, he added: "One, don't look at it with your eyes glued, two, listen to the young lady at the critical time, three, make sure she is safe, don't disturb her, don't ask when you see her doing something strange, don't say, just listen."

Wan Bashi: "Yes!"

The words immediately followed.

Mu Guifan was the last to go, first went to a certain shop to drive the motorcycle last time, and then followed a few children.

After everyone left, the curtains of a room on the second floor of the Su family were opened.

Old Mrs. Su looked at the night in silence and said in a low voice: "With Mu Guifan here, they will be safe, you say!" Old

man Su: Whew... Call...... Sleep soundly.

Old Mrs. Su rolled her eyes and snapped her palm on the old man's head.

The old man muttered something in confusion, turned around and continued to sleep.

Su Bao and Su He were on the side of the road, and several people wanted to find a taxi, but the car was difficult to call in the middle of the night.

Suddenly found a boom behind him...

A very windy motorcycle stopped in front of him, Mu Guifan raised the windshield of his helmet, and the corners of his lips lightly hooked: "Little guy, where to go in the middle of the night, huh?"

Su Bao's eyes lit up: "Dad!

Mu Guifan handed her a small pink helmet: "Put it on."

Su He asked, his eyes widened, is this okay?

Mu Guifan handed two trumpet helmets to Su He and Su He Wen: "Just sit down, and your grandmother will definitely find out when the car comes out."

Su He asked excitedly put on the helmet, feeling that tonight was really exciting.

He sat behind Mu Guifan, Su He Wen sat last, and Su Bao sat in front, in Mu Guifan's arms.

"Hold on." Mu Guifan twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle let out an arrogant roar.

Su He asked and quickly hugged his uncle, Su He Wen disdained to hug his brother, and grabbed the back shelf of the rear of the motorcycle with his hand back.

It is impossible to hug, it seems that he is like a little girl...

As a result, the motorcycle thundered out and almost knocked him off.

Su He Wen quickly hugged Su He and asked, holding it tightly, almost strangling Su He Wen breathlessly.

Mu Guifan's eyes showed a hint of a smile, only then did he really accelerate, and the motorcycle rushed out like a black panther in the dark night.

Wolf Dog and Shouwang looked confused.

How to chase this?

The wolf dog stayed for a second, and immediately ran up, I have to say that during this time it was raised quite well, its limbs were strong and powerful, and it ran much faster than Shouwang.

But not long after, a motorcycle came galloping up later, and Shouwang squatted behind the motorcycle, his paws tightly hooked on Wan Bashi's shoulders.

Wan Bashi glanced at the wolf dog, fished it into the car, and tied it up.

So on the road at night, I saw two motorcycles galloping, the front one with three children, the back one with two dogs...

Three and a Half Years Old is Pampered by Eight UnclesWhere stories live. Discover now