Chapter 771-780

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Chapter 771: Biomarkers

The nine-headed ghost car suddenly became angry, and the other eight heads screamed, biting towards Su Bao at the same time.


Su Bao took out the pan and knocked a pot with one head.

The nine-headed ghost car was suddenly knocked dizzy and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yao Diyue shouted: "How daring...!" Stewed! Stewed! Huaxin

Ghost touched his chin with his fingers: "Such a disgusting bird, the stew must not be delicious, take it and bake it!" The

ghost of the wedding dress shook her head: "The slave family thinks that the roast is not delicious, it is too hard and old, it is better to make a spicy fragrant pot."
cowardly ghost mused: "The bird is too big to stew in one pot, as far as I can see ... It's better to quack first, pluck the hair, and then cut into ten portions... Oh, ten portions is still too big, crush the corpse! Nine-headed

ghost car: "!! The


A cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and Su Bao didn't know when he took out a sword and chopped off one of the heads of the nine-headed ghost car.

The nine-headed ghost car was completely terrified, and just thought that they were just talking, but I didn't expect this child to do it directly!

And it couldn't resist!

The nine-headed ghost car quickly struggled to fly up and fled in a hurry.

Su Bao stared at the nine-headed ghost car and whispered, "Okay, let's follow it!"

Dad said that if you encounter a beast, the fastest way to make the beast frightened and afraid to make a second is to give it a real look.

Now that this nine-headed ghost car should be honest, Su Bao immediately ran after it.

Aunt Ugly hugged Tinkerbell and snorted: "Where to go?"

The cowardly ghost said: "Follow it, it will fly back to the locust forest to avoid danger."

The rebel ghost was unimpressed and asked, "How do you know that it must fly back, and it can't fly to other places?"

The cowardly ghost sneered coldly: "Did you go home to find your mother the first time you were beaten?" Rebel

Ghost: "..."

He will go home, but not to his mother!

All the ghosts followed behind Su Bao, watching Su Bao's little short legs run hard, and Yao Diyue was about to pick her up.

Who knew that the cowardly ghost took a step faster, lifted the Su Bao and flew forward.

Yao Diyue was angry to death.

The cowardly ghost is proud in his heart, how is it, the ghost can fly, what about her 15 degrees, can she fly?

Yao Diyue will not, running wildly after him, cursing and cursing in his mouth.

I don't know how long I followed, but I finally looked at a black-pressed forest in front of me!

Before reaching the black-pressed forest, the nine-headed ghost car saw that Su Bao was still chasing it, and screamed angrily.

As if asking: why chase me!

Su Bao raised a head in his hand and said, "Hey, your head is off!" We sent it to you, walked so hard, chased ten miles! Nine-headed

ghost car: "..."

It screamed, flew into the woods and disappeared.

The tree in front of me has no leaves, and the coiled branches are overlapping and black, like iron branches.

In the depths of the woods, a thick yin aura spread out, and from a distance, the forest was black and pressed, and it was impossible to see inside, as if there were countless monsters hidden inside.

The coward took out the book and compared it with surprise: "It's really here!" Su

Baoxiong was full of vigor, and finally found the locust forest, which is equivalent to finding hope!

"Master, wait a minute, Su Baojiang will bring you food!"

Su Bao looked carefully, first carving a mark on the edge of the woods, in case he couldn't find his way out after he came out.

As if afraid that the mark was not safe enough, she thought about it, and then crouched down in the grass nearby ...


Ghosts: "..."


Su Bao apologized while peeing: "I'm sorry, Su Bao didn't deliberately defecate in the open!" Dad said to use biological means if he was worried that his mark would be discovered and destroyed by the enemy.

She asked her father what biological means were.

Dad gave an example, saying that it was like a dog peeing to divide the territory, an antelope marked the territory with tears, and a bear left a smell by rolling on the ground...

Su Bao felt that in such a short time, she couldn't pull the stink...

If there are tears, you can squeeze them, but she can't smell the smell of tears...

So I had to pee.

Dad said that although biomarkers are uncivilized, they are most effective when it is critical.

People have three hurries, and the enemy does not necessarily expect that the opponent will use biomarkers to determine the location.

He also told her that this is original and that he can't tell others!

After Su Bao came out, the cowardly ghost asked, "Su Bao... What are you?

Su Bao waved his hand: "Children's affairs, adults don't ask!" "

Ghosts: emmm...

Su Bao took out the Yan King Hall to cover himself, and after making sure that nothing was lost, he stepped into the woods!

Cowardly and sad, now she really learned to be cautious, how much suffering she suffered, how much pain she suffered, so she had today's experience...

Not long after Su Bao stepped into the woods.

The City King followed slowly, and with a glance, he saw the mark that Su Bao had made on a stone.

"Ho ho, I still want to go back... Coming, still want to go back?! With

a wave of his hand, the city king slapped the stone into powder.

Although he would let Su Bao come and not go back, but what if, if she really let her escape, she didn't want to find the direction she came.

After the City King destroyed the stone mark, he looked around again and frowned.

Something without quality is actually untied here.

The city king snorted, not expecting that this was Su Bao's 'biomarker'...

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