Chapter 60

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Warning: smut

I decided to let Duke's friends plan his party like they always do. But I still came prepared. The hand written happy birthday sign was great and all but no birthday is complete without balloons and a cake.

Music plays from the overhead speakers as everyone dances and drinks. Duke is across the bar with his friends playing pool. I stick with my friends at our table.

Akio and Noah are already pawing at each other and there is no doubt in my mind that they'll be sneaking off to the bathroom in the next five minutes.

Hannah has stopped moping about both Will and Duke. She's forgiven me too, for whatever the hell it is she thinks I did. And as much as I recognize her growth, I don't think I'll ever quite forgive her for the role she had in what went down. But she's mostly gone back to being normal so I'll let her stay.

Ryan and Lina finally made it official. Noah teased him for about a half hour during dinner the other night but we all know it makes sense. Him and Lina just fit together.

I knock back another drink and stand, "I'm bored. Let's do something."

"They have darts," Hannah points over by the pool tables. "Let's play."

I glance at Ryan and he shoots me a wink; we're going to fucking crush them.

"It'll be fun," Lina adds as she stands. "C'mon."

"I have to go to the bathroom," Noah announces. "Join me, babe?"

Akio's face blooms with red but he nods nonetheless. Just like I called it, they disappear into the men's room.

I grab the darts from the bartender and meet my friends at the bullseye. Duke locks eyes with me as I pass out the darts. He repositions himself at the table, never looking away, before sinking a ball. I smile, rolling my eyes, and turn away.

Hannah starts us off, as far from the target as one could possibly get. Lina goes next, better but still not good. My turn.

"Andateci piano con loro," Ryan laughs.
(Go easy on them)

"Come se," I scoff.
(As if)

I hit the bullseye with each throw, knocking one of the darts down with my final throw. Hannah and Lina look at me with slack jaws. We don't really play games like this, they have no idea that I'm a crack shot.

"My turn," Ryan shoves me aside.

I fold my arms over my chest with a smirk. He's starting to get competitive. Maybe he wants to show off for Lina. Whatever his reasons are, he hits the bullseye same as me.

"Okay, what's your secret?" Hannah tosses her arms up.

"What secret?" Ryan chuckles, draping his arm around Lina's shoulders.

"Have you two played darts before?" Lina asks.

"We all have," I remind her. We used to play more when we were younger but still.

"Good thing we didn't place any bets," Hannah shrugs. I nod in agreement.

"Princess," Duke appears at my side. He scans over my friends before looking at me, "can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure," I pass the darts off to Ryan.

"Come with me," Duke takes my hand and leads me away.

He pulls me with him down a corridor and into a small supply closet. A single lightbulb illuminates the crowded space. Duke releases my hand to lock the door and I feel my heart rate spike.

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