Chapter 5

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Something that comes with good grades at Montrose is the title of prefect. I'm expected to arrange tutoring for the freshmen. To monitor the halls after curfew. And to assist in certain disciplinary issues.

So when I was pulled out of my art class and asked to go to the headmaster, I didn't think much of it. Not until I arrived.

Enzo sits on one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs outside the headmaster's office. His head is hung low but when he looks up, his eyes are set in defiance.

I take in his appearance slowly. Dirty and wrinkled uniform. A darkening red mark just under his eye. Bleeding knuckles. He got into a fucking fight.

"Isabelle," the headmaster smiles, opening the door to her office.

"Good afternoon ma'am," I reply politely. I keep a bright smile on my face as she addresses me.

"As you can see we have a bit of a troublemaker on our hands," she gestures to my brother. "I was hoping you could escort him to his dorm and perhaps have a little chat about the values of Montrose."

"Yes, ma'am," I nod curtly. She smiles before closing her office door.

I turn back to my brother and let my face drop. He rolls his eyes and stands, pushing past me and out of the building. I follow right behind him and grip the back of his neck.

I know he's on a mission to go back home but I didn't think he'd take it this far. For fucks sake, it's not unreasonable for the other poor kid's family to sue; I know how he fights.

I dig my fingers into his flesh in intentional places, not quite painful but definitely uncomfortable. He gives me a dirty look as we walk the brick pathways.

"Elle-" he starts.

"Shut the fuck up," I grit out. "Not a fucking word until we get to your room."

He frowns deeply and I push him forward. The bell rings and students flood out of the academic buildings. Those who were just in English class rush to get to the science building. Students loosen their ties as they hurry to gym class.

I keep a firm grip on my brother until we get to the dorms. I let him lead the way up the stairs and into his room. I slam the door shut behind myself and fold my arms over my chest.

"You did what she said," he spits out, ripping off his blazer. "Fuck off."

"What were you thinking?" I ask, shaking my head. "What the hell even happened?"

"Some kid was being an asshole so I put him in his fucking place," he tears off his tie, kicking off his loafers in the process.

"Elaborate," I demand. Enzo flops down on his bed, legs dangling off the edge.

He glares at me, "he wouldn't shut up about how hot you are so I punched him in the mouth until he couldn't talk anymore."

I tilt my head back and groan. Just my luck that the generational DiSilva Anger™️ chooses to come to fruition the second Enzo comes to Montrose.

"If you keep this shit up they're going to kick you out of school," I exclaim, exasperated.

"Maybe that's what I want!" Enzo jumps to his feet. "Maybe I want to go back to America! Back to my old school and my friends!"

I chuckle darkly, "do you have any idea what Dad will do if you get kicked out?"

"He won't do shit," Enzo scoffs. "Mom wouldn't let him."

I bark a laugh, "did you forget how much our education means to Mom? Or how fucking angry Dad gets when Mom is upset? If you get kicked out, you're fucked."

"Bullshit," he rolls his eyes. "I'm going back home. Fuck this school."

"You are such a whiny little bitch!" I groan, tilting my head back. "Jesus, get over yourself Enzo! Can't you see that this is so much bigger than you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Have you stopped to consider why DiSilva's have attended this school for generations?" I narrow my eyes.

His face twists in confusion and he shakes his head, "I don't understand."

"You and I, being here with all of the world's elite, this is a business move," I inform him. "An easy way to build alliances and trust. This school is not only the safest place for us but it's essential to the success of the next generation of our family."

"So Dad's using us as pawns?" his brows lift.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "you're so fucking short sighted."

"It doesn't matter," he waves his hand. "I'm not fucking staying here."

"When Dad ships you off to train in Italy, I'm going to laugh right in your face," I declare.

"What does it fucking matter?" he huffs. "I'm going to take over for Dad in a couple of years anyway. I don't need school."

"You think dad's leaving the family to you?" I scoff.

His face drops, "who the hell else would he leave it to? I'm the only son. The heir."

"You're weak," I laugh. "You're impatient and stubborn and ignorant. He would never make you his heir."

"What? You think it'll be you?" he spits back.

"If he doesn't appoint Rocco? Yeah, probably," I reply honestly.

I've thought about it before, I'm not going to lie. I'm the best suited out of all my siblings to take power. I am meticulous and confident. I outshine my siblings in intelligence, fighting ability and even shooting. I'm the obvious choice. The one who should be handed the power and wealth and control that our dad holds.

"You're so full of yourself," Enzo retorts. "First and foremost, you're a girl, Isabelle. Girls aren't Don's."

"Says who?" I shake my head. "Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it never will."

"Just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you're better than me," he takes a step closer. "You're not even really their kid."

My face drops, ice rushing through my veins. Tears prick at my eyes and I bite the inside of my cheek to hold them back. He knows. Out of all the people in the world, my brother knows best that that fact is my single biggest insecurity.

I think that's why I've always strived for perfection, or at least why it began. I couldn't give them a reason to change their minds. To decide that they love their biological children more. That I'm just a burden they're forced to carry.

"Fuck you," I say, barely a whisper.

"Cazzo," Enzo's features soften. "Elle, I'm-"

"I don't care," I step around him, "Fuck you, Enzo. Really."

"I'm sorry," he grabs my arm but I jerk out of his grasp.

"I'm done trying to help you, Lorenzo," I say with my back to him. "Do what you want. I'm done."

I leave his dorm room, slamming the door shut behind me. I keep my tears held in as I move through the halls. Weaving between underclassmen towards my room.

I can't believe he would actually say that to me. Sure we've both said some pretty fucked up stuff in our fights throughout the years. But that's the one thing that's always been off limits. The only emotional button he knows not to push.

He's lucky I'm not like our sisters. Because if I was, I'd already be on the phone with Mom. Telling her exactly what he's been up to and exactly what he said to me. She'd be on the next flight out to beat his ass. But I'm stronger than them.

And I am most certainly not a fucking snitch.

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