Chapter 14

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I don't like making a big deal about my birthday. Sure, I'll spend some extra time getting ready in the morning. Make sure that my hair and makeup is exactly as I want it to be. And I'll typically go for one of the nicer uniform options. Pleated skirt with the shiny, red prefect tie.

Akio and Noah have been bugging me all day. Akio, I can handle him. He makes a show of pulling out my chair for me and insists on carrying all of my books. Noah on the other hand. He swings the doors of classrooms open so aggressively, I'm sure I heard a few hinges crack. Deep, regal bows as I walk past him. Even when I roll my eyes, I'm smiling.

After school, I hole up in the library. There's no dance rehearsals today which gives me the opportunity to catch up on schoolwork. I crank out my homework subject by subject.

Akio sits on one side of me while Noah sits across the table from us. It's one of the few times you can get Noah to shut up. He's almost as anal about his grades as I am. There's hushed whispers every now and then, mostly asking questions when one of us gets confused, but other than that we work in a peaceful silence.

By the time dinner rolls around, the only assignment I have left is the short reading for English. I can get that done before bed easily.

The dining hall is as chaotic as ever. All of the fall sports have finally kicked off; soccer, volleyball, tennis, cross country. Students wear their uniforms proudly as they chatter about practice and games.

I head straight for the salad station, as I always do. Just because it's my birthday doesn't mean I can slack off on my diet. I pile the tasteless vegetables onto a plate and grab some water before approaching the table.

"Happy birthday, Elle!" Hannah shrieks as soon as I put my plate down.

"Thanks," I laugh lightly.

Ryan drops his plate beside me, "happy birthday."

I look up at him, "cosa facciamo stasera?"
(What are we doing tonight?)

He flinches, "è una sorpresa."
(It's a surprise)

"Whatever you say," I shake my head. I'm sure it'll be fun no matter what he has planned.

Someone clears their throat at the end of the table and I turn my attention there. Enzo looks over my friends faces with nothing short of disdain. He has a large red box in his hand, it almost looks like a suitcase with the gold handle.

"Buon compleanno," he stretches out his hand.
(Happy birthday)

"What's up, little Ricci?" Noah grins, leaning forward to look at him. Enzo pays him no mind.

Ryan, sitting between us, takes the box from him. The Lamborghini logo is written in gold leaf across the front of the leather box. I look from the box to my brother and back before opening it. There's three bottles of wine, shiny and colorful.

"Grazie," I say, latching it closed.

"Hai intenzione di uscire stasera?" Enzo asks.
(Are you going out tonight)

"I'm not sure yet," I reply honestly.

"Abbiamo piani," Ryan says, adding, "ma puoi unirti se vuoi."
(We have plans but you can join if you want)

"I'm good," Enzo holds up a hand. "Just wanted to give you your gift."

"Why don't you eat with us?" Akio offers, gesturing to an empty chair at the table.

"And then you can-" Hannah slaps her hand over Noah's mouth before he can finish his sentence.

My eyes narrow slightly, "he can what?"

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