Chapter 7

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Warning: eating disorder

"Hey," Noah turns around on the cobblestone street to face the rest of the group. "Do you all still have your old fake ID's?"

Akio, still holding his hand, glances behind him as well. Hannah and Lina walk directly behind them with Ryan and I at the back.

We tend to be like this when we're out and about; Noah leading the way, Hannah and Lina protected in the middle, with Ryan and I trailing behind. It's a refreshing change to the endless leadership position I tend to be in at Montrose.

"Not on me," Hannah says. "We don't need them anymore."

"Me either," Lina adds. "I tossed mine the day I turned sixteen."

We've always been a rowdy bunch. Ever since ninth grade we would sneak off campus and get absolutley shit faced in town nearly every weekend. The bouncers never gave us much trouble especially considering the way me and the girls dress. Actually, we became almost friends with them.

In Switzerland, unlike America, the drinking age is sixteen. The day we all switched, from our fakes to our real ID's, we had a good laugh with those same bouncers.

"I have mine," I offer, rummaging through my bag, "somewhere."

"What are you planning?" Ryan narrows his eyes at the prince.

"Don't worry, Ry," Noah turns back around, "you'll see."

Ryan looks down at me with a quirked brow but I just shrug. I don't really care what Noah has going on in his head. It doesn't matter. Because his plans always turn out to be fun.

"Elle, look," Hannah exclaims, pointing ahead. I have to narrow my eyes to see better but once I do, my face drops. Why the fuck is he off campus right now?

"Hey, it's the little Ricci," Noah chides.

"Should we invite him to tag along?" Akio asks, although he's mostly speaking to Noah.

"No," Noah and I give firm responses at the same time. He turns to look at me and lifts his brows.

"Drop it," I warn him.

"Alright, alright," he puts his hands in front of himself in surrender.

"Did you ever end up meeting Marcus after curfew?" Lina asks quietly. Sometimes she speaks so softly I can barely hear what she's said.

"No," I laugh, shaking my head. "Why? Are you interested?"

"Very," she sighs. "I haven't gotten laid in almost a year."

Hannah and I both laugh at that. Hey, just because we're considered elite doesn't mean we're saints. I'm no slut but I'm no virgin either. A handful of boys from the school; egotistical, thirty-second fucks that ended with a sweaty, entitled boy dropping his body weight onto me.

Of course there's the local boys. When we all sneak out into town to get drunk. Flash our fake ID's to the bouncers with a confident smile and saunter right inside. Dazzle people with our accents and fluidity in multiple languages.

I like the Swiss boys better. They're less entitled yet somehow more fascinated by me than the boys at the academy. And lord do these mountain boys know what they're doing.

Noah comes to a dead halt on the sidewalk, forcing Akio to stop as well. Hannah clumsily stumbles into him and Ryan swiftly steadies her with a hand on the arm.

"Dude," I groan.

"We're here," Noah turns to face us all with a sinister smile. My eyes widen at the expression on his face even as I grin myself.

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