Chapter 6 - Ryan's POV

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There's a saying here at Montrose. The worst thing about being Isabelle Ricci's enemy is that you are Isabelle Ricci's enemy.

She's the fiercest woman this school has ever seen. She destroys people as a hobby. Her intellect proves to be her greatest weapon. Using words to cut through someone's self worth; to shatter their reality.

But it doesn't stop there. In gym class we have an entire unit dedicated to self defense. Being life long targets, it's important for all pupils of Montrose to be able to defend themselves.

Isabelle is the only student exempt from it. She was forced to participate once, during her first year here. The boy she was fighting said something a little too patronizing for her taste so she broke his arm in three places. He never came back. And she was no longer required to participate in self defense class.

Don't get me wrong, Elle is my best friend. But she is one terrifying chick if you end up on her bad side.

Her favorite thing to do, which coincidentally is my favorite thing to watch her do, is to play the long game. Slowly chip at someone in the most subtle ways. Drive their friends away. Force their grades to drop. Psyche them out during sports or performances. Until there's nothing left but utter despair.

It's only happened a handful of times; this kind of task requires a lot of effort and patience. But I love watching it unfold.

Let's make one thing clear. Elle isn't a bully. She doesn't pick on the weak and vulnerable. She goes for the people who deserve it, like I do. The ones who do pick on the little guy; who make fun of people in the halls for things they can't control like wearing glasses or being short.

I want to clarify something. Something that most people here at Montrose refuse to believe. There is absolutely no romantic connection between myself and Elle.

She's my best friend, and I'm hers, it's as simple as that.

Sure, she was my first crush but dear God, who wouldn't be infatuated with a girl like that?

Until Enzo's arrival, I was the only person here who knew the truth about her family. About the guns and the drugs and the murders. And she was the only person who knew about mine. There was something special about that. About keeping one another's secrets.

But with the appearance of Enzo, I worry about the safety of those secrets. He's not as strong as his sister, in just about every way that matters. I don't doubt that if there's enough pressure put on him, he'll crack.

That's one of the reasons I think it's absurd that he truly believes he'll take Luca's spot in the family. Honestly, it's a joke. Something I've heard Rocco and Gio laugh about before.

Enzo has no place in the family business. And I fear that his weaknesses and arrogance will prove to put his sister at risk. To put us all at risk.

I sit down at my usual seat at our usual table. Hannah and Lina are already engaging in heavy duty gossip, taking a bite of chicken nugget or french fries every so often. Akio and Noah are sitting as close as humanly possible, sharing a pizza.

I love them, I do, and I've known them both for years. But sometimes the couple shit has me toeing the edge of nausea.

I take a few bites of my lunch and let my eyes rake over the room. It's something else Rocco has been teaching me. How to pay better attention to my surroundings. To pick up on anomalies in a second. To detect danger before it even becomes dangerous.

That's how I spot Elle carefully selecting toppings for her salad. And that's how I spot one of the seniors on the soccer team approaching her.

As much as I'd love to step in. To ensure that Elle doesn't have to lift a finger. To let out all of my pent up frustrations. I know better.

Interfering is a rookie fucking mistake.

"Look," Hannah giggles, pointing at Elle and the senior. "Looks like Marcus worked up the nerve to talk to her."

The entire table cranes their necks to watch. Like I said, there's no need to get involved. But I'm sure whatever she's about to do to him will be beyond entertaining.

Despite the fact that he walked up on her from behind, Elle doesn't jump, doesn't flinch. She looks at him with her trademark wide, fuck-me eyes.

He's obviously flirting, you could tell that from his body language alone. But the smile that Elle is trying to hold back gives it away.

She plays along, as she usually does. Giggling at what he's just said, brushing her hand along his arm. She places her hand on his shoulder and whispers something in his ear, making his cheeks burn red.

"Five euros on blowjob," Noah slaps the bill on the table.

"Nah," Lina tosses down some money. "He's into that dominatrix shit."

"She offered a threesome," Akio adds his money to the growing pile.

I shake my head, reaching into my pocket for my own money, "she offered to meet him somewhere private."

"No way," Hannah scoffs, bringing the grand total to €25. "I bet she didn't say anything remotely sexual."

We all watch the interaction from across the room. Waiting for her to come back and deliver her report.

Marcus puts his hand on Elle's waist and my grin widens. She grabs his wrist in an instant and bends his hand back. His eyes widen and she twists his arm behind his back.

She whispers something in his ear and I watch as his face twists from pain to, somehow, horny. She releases him with a wink and walks away. She strides towards the table with a self satisfied smirk.

"All hail the queen!" Noah gets out of his seat to bow to her. This sends Lina and Hannah into a giggling fit.

"What a jackass," Elle drops her tray next to mine.

"Well?" Akio gestures to the pile of cash on the table.

Elle smirks, "I told him I'd meet him behind the dorms after curfew."

"Ha!" I grab the money. "Told you."

We fall back into a comfortable flow of conversation, never staying on one topic for too long. Classes, teachers, homework, crushes, classmates, sports. It's easy, it always is.

I spot Enzo leaving the lunch line. He scans over the room, trying to find somewhere to sit. I realize, in this moment, that he hasn't made any friends yet.

"Elle," I nudge her arm before gesturing to her lost looking brother.

She follows my gaze, "what about it?"

"Shouldn't we invite him to sit with us?" I ask. "I don't think he has any friends yet."

"Sucks to be him," she shrugs, going back to her bowl of lettuce.

"Why are you even mad at him?" I ask incredulously.

I've known Enzo as long as I've known Elle. I know he can be an asshole. I know sometimes he forgets to filter his words. And yeah, they've gotten into fights before but not like this.

"It's nothing," she whispers.

"It's obviously not nothing," I insist.

Her eyes meet mine, set in defiance but filling with tears, "it's nothing."

"Elle," I breathe out. "Cosa è successo?"
(What happened)

"Per favore," she whispers, "per favore lascialo cadere."
(Please, please just drop it)

"Okay," I nod slowly, "mi dispiace."
(I'm sorry)

"So," Elle flashes a bright smile to the table, "what's the plan for this weekend?"

It's alarming how good she is at that; at slapping a smile on her face and pretending nothing's wrong.

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