20. At the end of dawn.

50 3 8

I want to make you halal because I love you to be mine in Jannah.

"We are all born into a family and they are the closest to us but at some point in time, we need companionship from someone else. Someone from the opposite gender to complete half of our deen. Growing up in the palace, we have a more dispersed family. With more responsibilities on my shoulders, what I wish for is someone who can make my palace feel like home and make me forget what is going on outside. Over the years, my mother has given me suggestions on who I should choose as my Amira but what she sees is not what I see. I don't want an Amira but a life partner. Someone who will complete half of my degree. I don't want a woman who cares only for this Dunya and doesn't care about family ties and just fakes it. What most women are after now is royalty and power and that's not something I want,"

The moon showed on their figures as one spoke in serenity while the other listened quietly. Jaasir has always been confident and straightforward and rather than watching over her silently and making illegal feelings blossom, it was better if he let everything out.

"The first we met, your eyes were what caught my attention and they were so innocent and pure. I will admit that I was scared of the outcome of such enchantment and tried to forget about you but it was impossible. And then Allah brought me to your side again and at that moment I knew I found what I wanted. I promised myself to return but fate brought something different to us," he declared and looked up with a faint smile. Yasmine gazed at Jaasir's serene figure and she wondered how he could be so calm at the moment while her heart was beating at a weird slow pace. As she recalled the first time she saw him, his eyes were calm like a lake even with the mirth in them and since then, he had been her savior in shining armor. He is a man that every girl will dream of but who can have such? He is Amir Jaasir.

She quickly lowered her head when he looked down.

"I don't want you to think that I am taking advantage of this situation because even if none of these had happened, I would have gone back to you. That was a promise I made to myself. This birth a feeling of protection in my heart and I know there is only one way that I can protect you and guard you without worrying about anything," he stated and watched how uncertain her expression was.

He sighed and called out softly, "Yasmine,"
She raised her fluttering eyes and looked at him and he gave her a faint smile.
"Don't get scared or worried about anything and I won't pressure you to accept me. It's your choice and if you reject me, I will keep my distance away but that doesn't mean that I won't fulfill my promise of helping you get justice,"

"I trust you," she finally muttered simply and Jaasir's brightened. "And I trust that you won't reject my offer and you know what?" Her brows creased and he just smirked, that playful side returning. "These feelings in my heart also birth possession. I can't imagine leaving without you or someone else marrying you. I might just do something bad,"

Yasmine's eyes widened upon hearing this because he looked dead serious. Jaasir suddenly burst into laughter throwing his head back. She stared at him unbelievably and realized just how handsome this man was. Disregarding his beautiful character, his appearance and charisma was enough to attract others. She fantasized about seeing this side of him every day. Won't it be a wish come true?

"That wasn't funny my Amir," she said with a faint smile. Jaasir stopped laughing and cupped his chin. "I was just joking," he said and refrained himself from calling her beautiful at the moment. "I should leave," he stood up and she followed suit.

"How did you..." she wondered pointing behind the railings.

"Watch," he said excitedly and held the railings before he circled it. Arwa's chambers weren't high but still... Before she knew it, he jumped down. She peered down fearfully and he was standing on his feet. He turned around and waved at her with a smile. She hesitated before she raised her palm. He grinned and rushed away.

Golden Jasmine: The Ameer's concubine.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن