6️⃣. The plan?

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    A brother like a shadow. Like the moon is to the sun.❤️

Jaasir gave Arwa an apprehensive look and she quickly wrapped her big veil around her body.

"Astagfurullah," Faiz palmed his face with reddened ears. Arwa eyed him and gave her brother a nervous smile.

"Do tell me Ukhtiy. What did I tell you about coming to my palace without informing me?" he asked poking her forehead.

"I missed you Ya Akhi and your chambers are close to mine. I couldn't resist," she pouted.

Jaasir sighed and said, "Next time, wear a proper hijab. Faiz might be with me or other place guards,"

"It's him following you like a tail all the time," she complained, pointing at Faiz who gasped at her unbelievably.

Jaasid raised his palm at her and excused Faiz. The siblings went inside and Arwa threw her veil around her arms.

"I've been waiting for hours but the meeting was long. It's annoying," she grumbled settling on the divan before the window. Jaasir sat opposite her and poured himself some water.

"You know it's important. So you could have waited for me to come to you," he said, taking a sip.

Arwa curled her lips and scoffed, "You returned and had to report your journey. Sultan Abu definitely will make you more busy and Umi said that you, Marwan Akhi, and Aman Akhi are giving more jobs as amirs. I doubt you will have time for your sister anymore,"

Jaasir smiled gently at her in silence. Arwa felt her frustration melting at his handsome smile. His wife will be so lucky.
"I will always create time for family. Especially you," he stated.

Arwa smiled back and cleared her throat. "I believe you. So now, tell me about the girl," she asked curiously.

"What girl?" Jaasir gawked at her.

"Come on, nobody is here," she waved her hand and he just raised his eyebrows.
Arwa pointed at his face and stated, "Don't lie to me Akhiy. I saw the look on your face earlier when I asked you about your future wife and if you met someone in Sehla. It's not hard for me to notice,"

"Alright. You caught me," Jaasir surrendered. There were hardly any secrets between them.

"Masha Allah!" she yelled making him block his ears. "I can't believe that I will have a sister-in-law from you. Tell me, tell me. Who is she?"

"Hold your horses Arwa," Jaasir shushed her. "I don't know who she is," he said truthfully and it was Arwa's turn to blank out.

"What do you mean by that?" she frowned.

"Look. I met her by pure coincidence. It was a two-time meeting and quite unfavorable for me but I admire her. Truly." he said and she listened carefully. "You know, I have never felt such attraction towards a lady, and by Allah, she caught my heart at first sight,"

"Aww. My akhiy is in love," Arwa whispered yelling in excitement.

"La Ukhtiy. Take it easy. It's admiration, " Jaasir refused.

"Tsk. It's visible in your eyes," she snorted.

"What do you know?" he challenged and she was lost for words. "Forget it Akhiy. How come you didn't try to know who she is?"

"I told you that the meetings were unfavorable and at first, I just shunned it but fate made us meet again. And she was wearing a niqab. Can you blame me?" he returned helplessly.

"Is she in the capital?" Ajwa asked curiously, having known that Jaasir had spent two days before coming to the palace.

He nodded. "She is in the capital,"

Golden Jasmine: The Ameer's concubine.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora