15. Bright and warm.

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I always feel warm with you my sun. I feel safe with you my shield.

Knowing that she would be going back to where it all started, it was hard for Yasmine to go to sleep tonight. The other night, she was unconscious so she didn't know that she slept on Amira's bed. It took minutes of arguments before she agreed to sleep there again.

Arwa said that she treated her as a sister and since they were sharing a room, she couldn't let Yasmine sleep somewhere else. And besides, the bed was large for her.

Here she was now, staring at the bed's canopy as sleep was far away from her. Arwa had long fallen asleep but Yasmine had a lot on her mind.

Tomorrow, she would see her old home again. Were her parents' bodies taken care of or not? To think that she didn't get a chance to mourn her parents properly was making her heart ache.

She turned on the bed and stared at Arwa sleeping peacefully. The Amira was a jovial woman and innocent too. Yasmine has always been aware of the deception that people show, so she knew that the palace wasn't filled with just angels but bad people too and their case just made her confirm it. She is with Arwa and Jaasir now but can she trust them too?

Yasmine woke up to the sound of the Adhan and she wondered when she fell asleep. After saying her dua, she tapped Arwa to wake up too before they went in for Namaz.

Yasmine was anxious right from breakfast to get ready. They went through the Amira's wardrobe and picked a nude-colored abaya and hijab with a niqab. Of course, this was a piece that Arwa kept for a long time in her closet without wearing it.

"Let's go," Arwa said and they left her chambers together. Yasmine got a wider view of the harem. The palace Arwa stayed at had two chambers facing each other. In the middle was grassfield and they went round it before going out via the large opening. Yasmine was amazed by the other palaces that were arranged beautifully.

"That's Jaasir Akhi's chambers," Arwa pointed at the palace on the left side, facing her chambers. It had two floors. A bricked pathway linked the two with flower bushes lining them. At the right was Amir Marwan's and the one facing them directly was Amir Aman's. Behind the princess's chambers was the Sultana.

A tall young man in a white royal guard uniform trekked toward them from the pathway and Arwa rolled her eyes.

"And there comes my brother's tail. I wonder why Akhi didn't come himself," Arwa folded her arms with pursed lips.

Yasmine recognized Faiz from that night and from how Jaasir spoke about him, the man must be good. She wondered why Arwa seemed to dislike him though.

Faiz arrived before then and tipped his head in greeting. "Assalamu alaikum Amira. Assalamu alaikum Sayyida,"

Yasmine greeted him back while Arwa folded her arms. "Wa alaikumussalam Faiz. I do wonder what's wrong because your face looks dark," she said.

"I am sure that is not the case Amira," Faiz said stoically, shifting his attention to Yasmine. "Amir Jaasir instructed me to escort you,"

"Alright," she nodded and glanced at Arwa who was busy glaring daggers at Faiz while he acted like he didn't sense it.
"You should lower your gaze, Amira," she whispered.

Arwa huffed and smiled back at her. "Go with Faiz and don't let your guard down until you see Jaasir Akhi. Also, take care of yourself,"

"In Sha Allah," Yasmine nodded at her and turned to Faiz. Faiz led the way and she got to see other parts of the palace. The path they took was quite quiet with palace guards marching forth and they showed respect when they saw Faiz. Yasmine gazed at this young man whose back was straight, his pace steady and countenance still.

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