5. Amir Jaasir.

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Another nice chapter❤️

A knock sounded on the door followed by Shareefa's salam.
"Wake up Najwa. It's time for Fajr!" she announced, walking into the room. "Take good lessons from your elder sister. She probably…." her words got cut to see two girls sitting on the bed.

"Yasmine?" she gazed at them quizzically.

"Sabahul Khair Maman!" they greeted and laughed. Shareefa slapped her forehead in embarrassment. "You slept here?"

"Yes Maman," Yasmine affirmed getting off the bed. "I'm moving in with Najwa. I will be sleeping in her room,"

"Oh. That's great. Nothing's wrong?" Shareefah asked concerned. Najwa pursed her lips at this. That's their mother, who gest worried at everything about her children.

"Nothing happened Maman. I want to bond more with Najwa," Yasmime replied and glanced at Najwa. "If I'm not with her anymore, I want more memories to remember, "

"That's beautiful dear. Now time to pray namaz," Shareefah smiled.

Najwa grinned and cradled into the bed again. "Go ahead. I'm on break," she giggled. Yasmine curled her lips and slapped her thigh. "Get up for Adhkar lazy girl,"

"Do that Najwa," Shareefa added and Najwa whined, earning laughter from the women.


Back to the present;

Qanasiyya Empire's courtroom.

The hall was designed just like the palace, in sky blue and gold. The pillars were aligned on both sides while divans were arranged before them with the Amirs and palace officials sat. Sitting in the front was the glorious throne of the Sultan.

From the opened door, walked in the vizier.
"Sultan Zafarullah Hibban Al-Mansoor has arrived!" he announced walking in front. The sultan tried on the carpet to his throne. The others stood up and tipped their heads in greeting.
"Salam Sultan. May Allah grant you a long and blessed life!" they chorused.

Sultan Zafarullah turned around and raised his hand. "Ameen. Wa alaikumussalm. Please be sited." he smiled and sat down first. The sultan had a towering build, a full dark beard accentuated his handsome face, majesty, and experience showed in his eyes, and his voice carried authority every time he spoke. He sat down dressed in black and white today before his officials and addressed them.

After a brief meeting, he turned to his right and gazed at his eldest son.
"Amir Jaasir is back after a two-month journey to Sehla. I am sure that everybody is eager to hear what happened on the journey," he said.

"In Sha Allah. Sultan," Jaasir tipped his head and stood up. He steadily came before the Sultan and clasped his hands behind him. If Jaasir didn't look like a prince before, now the Amir was in his regal attire. He wore a golden brown thobe, a white royal kaftan and headdress, and a brown and black igal. Standing there confidently gave him a sunshine glow in the court's heart.

"Assalamu alaikum everyone." he began. "The Qanasiyya empire rules over different regions in the desert and its power extends to other states too. During the battle five years ago between Qanasiyya and Dohay, our kingdom won four states out of five, who submitted to the Sultan. Since the Sultan didn't force them and let them choose to be under our wings or not, they were given a chance to fully follow our rules or not, which was a generous bargain. Sehla refused the offer. The Sultan didn't force them but it is not a doubt that Sehla was under our rule. They have been improving and even trading with the capital. Months ago, the governor sent a message to the empire, expressing his wish for submission,"

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