9️⃣. Danger.

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                     'The world will never lose bad people but so will good people.'

She gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her golden orbs losing the glint they once had. Her eyes were lined with kohl, her face had a hint of blush, and her lips were painted orange which matched her outfit. The shirt was short like Mesa's with a flowing skirt that had sparkly embroidery. Her hair was curled and lay on her shoulders, leaving her back bear and even with the warmth in the room, she felt cold.

If someone told Yasmine that such a place existed in the capital, she wouldn't believe it. Atrocities happened but to think that a brothel was running gave her dreads. She had been shown around the place when they took her out for dance practice. It was also heavily guarded ensuring that she sees no chance to escape or search for her sister. Yasmine kept praying that Najwa was safe and they were just threatening her. She still didn't risk it.

Even with the hustle in the past few days, she didn't forget to pray. She had no choice but to follow her instinct to know the time. She also realized that she wasn't the only one in this brothel as other girls were there as well.

Sitting before the mirror, Yasmine was filled with despair thinking of their fate. She knew it was qadr but do they deserve it at all? Should she just accept this fate and have patience that Allah will punish the oppressors?

'The world will never lose bad people but so are good people,'

She recalled her Baba's words and her face fell into melancholy. Even with her faith and her will to be patient, she couldn't accept the fact of being a dancer or a prostitute.

The door opened and Mesa walked in dressed up in her usual black outfit. Yasmine's face became colder as she hated this woman to the core. If men can maltreat women like this, a woman supporting them is the worst. The woman was a black snake. Just like her name.

"Look at you. Looking beautiful in that outfit," Mesa cooed. Yasmine closed her eyes to calm her anger and her fingers relaxed. There were times she wanted to strangle this woman to death but she knew how big a sin of murder was.

Mesa was unfazed by the attitude and came behind Yasmine. She placed her palms on her shoulders and started at the mirror too.
"You are a blessed woman, so use that to the fullest tonight and gain me a lot of gold. You will be rewarded equally too okay?" she said and Yasmine just stayed quiet.

"Goodness. You are so stubborn. I won't blame you for being a newbie but don't you dare do anything stupid because we don't want to see your lush skin getting red and bruised," Mesa threatened with a smile and her eyes became colder. "Give them a good show when you are called if not.."

Yasmine's chest rose and fell in anger but she held it back. Mesa walked out and she exhaled rubbing her face.
"Inna lillahi was inna ilaihi rain," she repeated several times before grabbing the pink transparent veil and covering her face, only her eyes were clear now. She picked the larger one and draped it on her head and shoulders. They covered nothing and were just part of the outfit. She stopped herself from crying again and waited for the so-called show.

The sound of music surrounded everywhere in the brothel and the yell from men that reached her ears made her fearful even more. It went on for almost an hour before she was called.

Yasmine felt each step she took was to hell. Her doom. She was brought to the stage that was covered with a thick curtain. She heard silence but she knew people were behind it.

She closed her eyes as the curtain was lifted and only the transparent one was left. She saw the crowd of almost fifty men, all dressed in expensive attire, their eyes glowing with lust. She froze there and only got reminded of the dance when the music was played.

Yasmine's eyes met Mesa's and she had no choice but to start dancing. She raised her hands gracefully as her bangles clicked. Her eyes roamed around the room glaring at the men hatefully before she twirled and continued.

Everything here was haram. The alcohol, the music, the perfume, the extravagant and skimpy dressing, everything!

She closed her eyes as did the final twirls and fell helplessly on the ground. Resounding claps sounded in her ears but hot tears streamed down her face. The curtain was let down and two girls came to escort her to the room.

Yasmine sat down on the ground beside the bed as she hugged her knees, sobbing silently. Who would hear her cries and assist her if not the one who hears her always?

She heard the door open and Mesa walked in. She glared at the woman but she acted like it was nothing and held her face.

Jasmine didn't know what was happening but Mesa was wiping her face that was smeared with tears and khol. She released the face harshly and pointed at her.

"You are so lucky that you got a good client. The best one we have. So behave," Mesa warned.

"W..what do you mean?" Yasmine's eyes widened.

"Don't act naive and me a good girl," Mesa rolled her eyes and rushed outside.

"Stop!" Yasmine shouted and went after her but a bad stench made her stop in her tracks.

The towering man sauntered in and closed the door behind him. He smirked and checked her out lustfully.

Yasmine shuddered and took fearful steps back. "S...Stay…back!" she stuttered in a yell.

"Masha Allah. A beauty indeed," Zahir grinned and all color drained from her face. To think that this man dared to mention Allah's name here. What should she do to escape this ordeal?

What's going to happen next?🥺

Golden Jasmine: The Ameer's concubine.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ