11. The Amira.

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     Raise your hands and you will find solitude in Allah's name.

The situation dawned upon Jaasir and he clenched his fingers. He quickly took off his cloak wrapped in on her shoulders. He then propped her up and adjusted the cloak before walking to his horse. It was a good thing that she wasn't heavy, so it was easy to get her on the horse. He sat behind her and her body was just limped in his arms.

Jaasir closed his eyes to calm his nerves before adjusting the cloak to cover her hair well. At the moment, he didn't care about what happened to her or what was going on, but this was the woman he planned on pursuing, and already saw her as his future wife, so he couldn't let anyone see her in this condition or let any harm befall her.

Jaasir knew that he had a duty waiting for him but he put it aside first and rode fast to the palace. He followed a pathway that was devoid of guards and he knew it was impossible for him not to be noticed but he had a follow-up. Going to his chambers was more dangerous and how would he start taking care of a woman who wasn't his mahram, so he went to someone he could trust with his secret.

Jaasir got down from the horse and while holding Yasmine in a bridal style, he rushed down the corridor of Arwa's chambers.

"It's the Amir. Stand down!" he shouted just in case any guards watching around. He came to her bedroom door and knocked gently.

There was silence before her maid opened the door who immediately lowered her head to see the Amir.
"Call Arwa quickly," he said. She nodded and went in. Arwa rushed to the door and was surprised by her brother's urgent look. She trailed her gaze down and was perplexed.

"Who is that?... I mean come in," she shook her head and told her maid to leave while she closed the door behind them.

Jaasir rushed to her bed and dropped Yasmine gently. Arwa gasped as she stared at the woman on the bed and glanced inquisitively at her brother.

Jaasir sighed and looked at her pleadingly.
"I'm trusting you with her Arwa. Do you remember the girl I told you about? She is….just take care of her for now and I will come over later to check on you. A serious case is going on outside and I have to be there. I will handle what else comes later but try to shut your maids for me," he told her.

"She?!" Arwa was flabbergasted and he meekly nodded. "Don't worry Akhi. I will take care of her," she promised.

"Shukran," he hugged her briefly and glanced at Yasmine before rushing out.

Arwa sat on the bed and took off the wet cloak and veil. Her brows were furrowed at the revealing clothes but she shoved those thoughts and focused on helping the lady first.

She rushed to the door and asked her maid, Rabia to prepare hot water for her. It was brought shortly and she sat on the bed. Soaking the towel in the hot water, she started drying Yasmine's hair, while Rabia helped her change her clothes to a clean and dry night dress. When they were sure that she was warm, they adjusted the duvet over her and stood up.

Arwa looked at Rabia and said seriously, "You can't tell anyone about this Rabia. Stay with her first, I need to do something,"

"In Sha Allah, Amira," Rabia nodded respectfully. Arwa hummed and went out to gather her maids. She was unruly most of the time but she was still a princess. She knew that her brother needed help this time, so she promised to do a good job.

After she was done with it, Arwa came back into the room and sat down on her bed. She rubbed Yasmine's hair and even she as a woman marveled at the beauty. She didn't know what was happening but when Jaasir came back, he should have an explanation, and when the girl woke up too. She lay down beside her and went to sleep.

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