Where It All Began

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It was such a beautiful morning, that Harmony decided it was too beautiful to stay in the Castle. Getting Moonlight from the stables, she left for a ride and is now sitting on a rock on the edge of a creek, letting Moonlight get some water before they head back to the Castle, having been gone for about an hour now.

She is watching Moonlight, when she hears horses approaching. Looking down the path, she sees Jensen and Jared approaching. She smiles and stands up, Jensen coming to a stop and climbing down from his horse, before nodding to Jared as the man rides back to the Castle.

-"Everything's okay?" - Jensen pulls her close and kisses her, feeling her kissing back.

-"Yes, just stopped so Moonlight could have some water before we head back to the Castle." - Harmony says, watching Jensen looking between both horses and the creek, as he starts smiling wide.

-"Do you know where we are?" - The confused look on Harmony's face was her answer. -"This is the same creek I had to get Moonlight out of, before you and I became close."

-"You're right." - She chuckles. -"I didn't even realized it."

-"You know, I still think about that day, almost everyday. That was the day I met the woman that would completely change my life. Until that day, I had kept my heart locked away, only letting Justice and my mother close, but when you tried coaxing Moonlight out of the water and then scolded her as if she was a child that had just misbehaved, you made me smile in a way that no one else had been able to up until that moment."

"Over time, you claimed a place in my heart, and I found myself wanting to be close to you. But I was too scared to tell you because I was afraid to lose you like I had lost Justice's mother. That's why I hadn't said anything before the night I asked you to marry me."

"I know that I have hurt you in the past, but I believe that now we are stronger than we were in the beginning. And it was all because Moonlight was enjoying the cold water."

-"I love you." - She smiles, tears in her eyes. -"I have loved you from the moment you told Midnight that you were going to get your new friend out of the water. I wouldn't change anything we went through together, because it has made us stronger. All I want now is to look forward to what the future will bring the six of us."


-"Well, you, me, Justice, Elise, your mother and..." - She places a hand on her belly.

-"Are... Are you sure?"

-"Confirmed it this morning."

Harmony smiles at him and he smiles back, pulling her close and kissing her. He can hardly believe that they are being given a second chance. Kissing her again, he holds her close, grateful to have such an amazing woman by his side.

As they stand by the creek, watching the water go by, they think about all the things the future has in store for them and they can't wait for it all.

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