No Matter What

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The group enters the small room, Harmony fearing how this conversation will go. She knows that her father will stop at nothing to get his way and that he is anything but happy about their engagement. You would think he would be happy to see his daughter marrying the King instead of a Lord. However, all she can see is anger and disdain every time Fergus looks at Jensen.

Harmony has always known that her father hated the King, it was no big secret back at the estate, more so once it was confirmed that Jensen was their new King. What Harmony didn't know was why he hated him that much. It just made no sense to her.

Harmony looks back at Jensen, who is now leaning against a table, and sees that he is in what Justice likes to call the "King Role". Suppressing a smile, as she remembers the young woman, she looks back at her father and Lord Carrington and she can't help but wish that she was anywhere else but there.

-"You wanted to talk, Lord MacLeod?"

-"Your Majesty, with all due respect, a deal has already been made with Lord Carrington for my daughter's hand. We were going to announce it in the morning, so not to take away any attention from the Queen-Mother's beautiful party." - Fergus informs Jensen, the disdain in his voice being hard to miss.

-"Lord Carrington, what would it take for you to forgo the deal?"

-"Your Majesty?"

-"Do I need to repeat myself? Fine. What do you want in return for you to end this deal?"

-"There's a plot of land that belongs to the Crown that is dividing my lands, Your Majesty."

-"You'll have the deed to the land by lunch tomorrow. You're free to go."

-"Thank you, Your Majesty." - Lord Carrington bows to Jensen and Harmony, and leaves the room, leaving them alone with Fergus.

-"You can't just do that."

-"In case you have forgotten, I'm the King and I can do whatever the hell I want. And that includes marrying Harmony."

-"This is all your doing, isn't it?"

Fergus looks back at Harmony and yells, reaching out to try and grab her arm, but Jensen is faster and gets to him before Fergus has any chance to reach Harmony. Grabbing Fergus by the collar of his jacket, Jensen shoves him against the closest wall, roughly placing an arm on his neck.

-"You ever try that again and I'll have you hung for attempting to hurt the future Queen. And now that I have your full attention, listen closely. You will be paid a generous amount in gold for your troubles and you are permanently banned from Court. You will only be allowed back for the wedding, and when that happens, you better play the part of the happy and proud father, or I swear to God I will destroy you. Oh, and Elise better be there as well, completely unharmed, understood?"

-"Understood, Your Majesty." - Fergus tells him, through gritted teeth, venom dripping when he calls Jensen by his title.

Jensen lets go of him and steps back, giving the man plenty of space so he can leave, but standing between Fergus and Harmony. He knows that this won't be the last time he will have to put the man in his place, but hopefully once he can manage to get Elise to Court, he won't have to deal with Fergus MacLeod ever again.

Looking back at Harmony, Jensen sees that she is concerned, but also somewhat calm. That reassures him. He was worried that he might had scared her, but it seemed it was quite the opposite. He walks up to her, pulling a strand of hair away from her face, making her smile softly.

-"You okay?"

-"Fine. Thank you for doing that."

-"You don't need to thank me, Harmony. You're my bride and I will do whatever I need to make sure that you're safe."

-"Still, you didn't need to do all that."

-"Yes, I did."

Jensen pulls her close, feeling her arms wrap themselves around his waist, and decides that no matter what happens from here on out, he will go to the ends of the Earth to make sure she knows just how much she means to him. No matter what.

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