Don't Be Mad

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Standing in front of Elise's door, Harmony takes a deep breath before knocking. She knows this isn't going to be an easy conversation to have with her little sister, and she hopes that, by the end of it, Elise will understand why Harmony had decided to arrest their father and won't be mad at her for it.

She knocks on the door, and hears Elise saying to come in. Harmony does as told, seeing Elise sitting on her bed, reading a book. As soon as the young woman sees her, she puts the book aside and runs straight at her, hugging her tight, Harmony smiling and hugging her back.

-"Are you okay?" - Elise asks as she pulls away, worry in her eyes.

-"I'm fine. I'm actually here to see if you're okay."

-"I am. Everyone has been so welcoming, specially the Queen-Mother and Princess Justice."

-"I'm happy to hear it." - Harmony smiles at her, letting Elise lead her back to the bed and sitting next to her. -"Elise, there's something I need to talk to you about."


-"Do you remember when I told you how father was behind the attack on the Castle and how, because of it, I lost my child?"

-"Yes, and I'm so sorry you went through that."

-"Well, while I was being held captive, one of the rebels practically admitted that he had been paid by father to make sure that I died."

-"What? I... Harmony, I'm so sorry. I never thought father would go that far. I mean, I knew he hated you and the King, but to go as far as paying someone to kill you, that's... That's just wrong."

-"I know, and you're right. I knew that father hadn't been happy when I married Jensen, but to do something like this... Anyway, because I'm the Queen, what father has done can be considered treason. And we can't just let him get away with it. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

-"I guess?"

-"Elise, the penalty for treason is death. And that's what's going to happen to father. I already spoke with Jensen about it and we both agreed that, the only way that we can know that we are all safe, all of us, is for him to pay for what he has done." - Harmony looks at her sister, seeing her contemplating what she has just said. -"What're you thinking?"

-"I mean, I can't say that I don't agree with you, because I do. And, even though I wish he didn't have to die, since we already lost mother, I understand why you have to do it. He has to pay for all that he has done, to all of us. Just... Just don't ask me to attend his execution, please. I don't think I would be able to bear it."

-"I would never force you to do anything that you don't want to do. If you want, you can stay in your chambers when the time comes. Or maybe go for a ride. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable." - Harmony sees Elise nodding, her eyes cast down. -"Are you mad at me?"

-"No. I understand why. Besides, when it's all said and done, we've always been alone, only having each other to lean on. This won't change that."

-"We're not alone anymore, Elise. We have a family now, and one that will go to great lengths to protect us and to make sure we know we are loved. Plus, you'll always have me, no matter what." - Harmony smiles softly.

-"I know. And you'll always have me."

Elise smiles back and feels herself being pulled into a tight hug, hugging her sister back. She knows that, if Harmony had any other choice, she wouldn't sentence their father to death. But after all that he has done, not just to Harmony but to herself as well, Elise can honestly say that she isn't sad to see the man that has made her life a living hell from the moment Harmony married the King, disappear from their lives once and for all.

Elise looks up at her sister, still tightly secured in her arms, and realizes just how much Harmony has changed. From the woman that was terrified of their father to the woman that will put herself in danger to make sure someone else is safe, her sister has changed in many ways and that is who her sister is now. A strong, determined woman, that will make sure that those around her are safe, even at the cost of her own safety.

And Elise couldn't be prouder to call Harmony her sister.

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