I Don't Care

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Trigger Warning: Loss Of Pregnancy

A lot can happen in three months and Harmony is certain she has been through it all. From helping Jensen ruling the Kingdom, through leading meetings with Lords and Ladies, to the resurface of a persistent threat, it seemed that Harmony was being thrown to the wolves without a sword to protect herself with.

However, of everything that happened, the one thing that Harmony was actually grateful for was something that she had learned one particular morning and something she couldn't wait to share with her family.

She had asked Donna and Justice to meet her in Jensen's study because she had something she needed to talk to them about. Both women agreed, but immediately asked if everything was alright. A smile was the only answer she gave them, before walking away, leaving them both confused.

Making her way to Jensen's study, Harmony greeted everyone she walked past, nobles and servants alike, thinking about how this was something they weren't expecting at all. As she reached the study's door, she greeted the two guards stationed there with a smile, receiving smiles in return.

As she walked inside, she saw that they were all already there waiting for her. She casually greeted them as Jensen stood up and walked around his desk to kiss her. Harmony kissed him back before settling in on one of the chairs across from Jensen's desk, with him standing next to her.

No one said anything, waiting for her to tell them why they were there, but Harmony wasn't speaking. Looking around her, she smiled, sure that what she was about to share with them was going to change things.

Taking a deep breath, she told them that she had gone to see the royal physician that morning because she hadn't been feeling well. Immediately the questions began, with Donna and Jensen asking what the physician had said and if she needed any medicine, and Justice just asking if she was going to be okay, with tears starting to pool in her eyes.

It was then that Harmony realized that by starting the conversation the way she did, it brought back some bad memories to Justice's mind. Harmony completely forgot that Justice's mother had died after becoming sick and, by hearing Harmony say that she hadn't been feeling well, it was clear that Justice was afraid that the same thing was going to happen to Harmony.

Harmony stood up from her chair and kneeled in front of Justice, telling her that she will be okay. She then asked her if she could keep a secret. Justice nodded and Harmony stood back up, leaning into her ear and telling her what she was wanting to tell them all.

Justice's face lit up and a smile broke out amidst tears when she heard what the secret was. Justice looked back at Harmony and asked her if she was sure. Harmony smiled and nodded, being quickly wrapped into one of Justice's signature hugs, making Harmony laugh at the young woman's reaction.

As Justice let go, Harmony asked her if she wanted to tell her father and grandmother what the secret was, seeing them both smiling but also looking a bit confused. Justice nodded, energetically, before turning and telling them the secret.

-"I'm gonna have a little brother or sister!!!!"

Harmony chuckled at Donna and Jensen's reaction of complete shock, both trying to wrap their heads around what Justice had just said. The shock only lasted for a moment, though, and suddenly Jensen was standing right next to her, asking her if she was sure.

Harmony smiled softly at him and told him that the physician had confirmed it and that by all accounts, she should be three and half months already. Jensen could hardly believe, taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply. Once he finally let her go, his arms were quickly replaced by Donna's, who was just as happy to learn that she was about to have another grandchild.

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