One Last Attempt

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Standing in the dungeon, just outside of her father's cell, Harmony watches as her father is sitting on the dirt floor. The once proud Fergus MacLeod is now nothing more than a common criminal who has committed treason, for whatever reason.

-"Have you come to gloat?" - His voice reaches Harmony, and she looks straight at him.

-"No. I wanna understand why."

-"Why what?"

-"Why you could never love us the way we loved you. I mean, I can understand you being disappointed that you didn't had a male heir before mother died, but you could've remarried and maybe have one then. But what I will never understand is your hatred towards us or the abuse you put us through. Mother would be disgusted with the way you have treated us since she died."

-"Your mother was weak, that's why she couldn't give me a proper heir, and you're just as weak."

-"You're the weak one, not mother nor myself." - Harmony scoffs. -"For years, I had to be mother and father to Elise, instead of just her sister, and for years I wished it had been you who had died instead of mother."

-"You'll have your wish soon enough."

-"That's no longer my wish, for Elise's sake, since she still loves you, in spite of all that you have done to her. Still, you committed treason and you know what the sentence is for that."

-"I would do it all over again if it meant you'd be dead." - Venom drips from every word.

-"I had hoped that you would show some semblance of remorse, if not for what you did to me, at least for what you put Elise through, but it just became clear to me that that is never gonna happen."

-"As far as I'm concern, you can both burn in Hell. I never wanted either of you anyway. I would've killed you both when you were born, but I thought one day I could use you in some way. If I had known just how impossible you two would be, I would've killed you both the moment you were born."

-"I guess then that it's a good thing you'll be dead come morning, that way you can never hurt us ever again, and Elise will have a fair chance at finding happiness away from you." - Harmony holds back the tears, not for her, but for Elise.

-"Elise will never be happy." - Fergus dryly laughs. -"She will either end up on the streets, married to some low life and with a brat in each arm, thinking she was tricked with promises of love and happiness, or married to some Lord who will beat her up everyday and will ultimately kill her."

"And if you think you'll be happy, then you'll have another thing coming. You will never give the King an heir and eventually he will grow tired of you. Maybe he will leave you, or maybe he will kill you so he can marry some other Lady that will give him what he wants."

-"You're wrong. As far as I'm concerned, Elise will follow her own path and will marry whoever she wants, and if for some reason it goes wrong, then she will know that she will always have a home with me."

"As for me? You don't know the first thing about Jensen. He would never do that, and even if he did, I'm no longer the scared young girl you once knew. I'm stronger now and I will fight for what I want as well as for my family."

"No matter what the future brings me and Elise, we will always have each other and nothing is ever going to change that. I do, however, have one favor to ask you, father."

-"What?" - Fergus is angry, Harmony can tell, and he's about to be angrier.

-"Tell the Devil I said hello."

Harmony smiles at her father, turning away from him and walking away. She can hear him cussing her out but she doesn't care. She has said her peace and he can rot in Hell for all she cares.

Approaching the door that will take her to the main corridor of the dungeon, Harmony is surprised to see Elise there, tears streaming down her cheeks, but with a sad smile on her lips.

-"Are you okay?" - Harmony asks, worried.

-"I'm fine." - Elise wipes the tears from her face. -"I heard what you said to father and it was all that I wanted to say to him."

-"If you want to see him, I can take you to him. I'll stand to the side or wait here for you, whatever you want."

-"No, I have nothing else to say to him. Not anymore. Do you think it will be okay for me to attend his execution tomorrow?"

-"Of course, but... Are you sure you want to?"

-"I'm sure. Someone told me that if I'm strong enough to help save you then I'm strong enough to see our father pay for all the harm he has done to us."

-"I have always known you are strong, Elise. And I am proud to call you my sister."

Harmony smiles at Elise, before pulling her into a tight hug and leading her out of the dungeon. She never thought that her life would lead her there, having to sentence her own father to death, but she is happy that she still has Elise by her side.

Tomorrow will be a hard day for them, but Harmony knows that, as long as they have each other, they will be okay.

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