Be Careful

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Harmony woke up that day feeling nervous. She tried to put that feeling aside, but it just remained in the back of her mind. Harmony knows that she needs to focus on her duties as Queen, since today is the day of the King's Hunt, and if she allows her nerves to get the best of her, then she will get nothing done while he's away.

The King's Hunt is the one day out of the year where Jensen gets to go hunting without the burden of his crown and having to rule the kingdom, for a day at least. During this hunt, he is just like every other man that decides to join on the fun, no titles, no crown, nothing that will distinguish him from everyone else.

Not even Jared will be going with him, staying behind to protect Harmony, and although a hand full of soldiers will be going along with Jensen, they will be wearing simple clothes on top of their uniforms.

Still, the entire time while everyone is getting ready, Harmony can't help the nervousness that fills her whole body. She kept telling herself that this was because this is the first King's Hunt that she is a part of as his wife, but that did nothing to untie the knot in her stomach.

She walks into the courtyard, Justice and Donna with her, and watches the men make the final preparations before setting off, as Justice and Donna greet Jensen. Jensen is final checking his horse, when she decides to approach him.

-"Harmony. Didn't expect to see you here." - Jensen says, surprised but giving her a smile.

-"It is tradition for the Queen to see the King off on his special hunt, is it not?"

-"It is. But, with everything that's happened, I still wasn't expecting it. It means a lot to me that you are here."

-"Please be careful."

-"Are you asking me as my Queen or as my wife?" - He softly asks.

-"I... I'm not sure yet. Either way, be careful, please."

-"I will." - Jensen pulls her close and kisses the side of her head. -"I love you."

Jensen gets on his horse, and signals everyone to depart, before looking back at Harmony and nodding at her, seeing her nodding back. Kicking the side of his horse, he follows the men that are joining him, thinking that maybe her presence there is a sign that things will be alright.

The knot in Harmony's stomach becomes even tighter as she sees Jensen ride away. She should've asked him not to go, but this has been a long standing tradition started by his great-great grandfather and she couldn't ask him to stay. She knows how much it means to him.

Harmony returns to her duties, her heart tight in a vice, and having a hard time concentrating on anything other than if Jensen will return or not. She shakes her head and tries to focus on the paper in front of her, but failing miserably.

She decides to get some fresh air and makes her way to the courtyard, wanting to calm her mind from the million scenarios that are running through it. Harmony knows that Jensen is fine, he has guards with him that will never let anything happen to their King, and that he is an experienced swordsman. Yet, she also knows the dangers that lurk in the woods where the hunt is happening.

Suddenly, Harmony hears one of the guards yelling they have incoming. Looking back at the gate as it opens, she sees one of the nobles that had accompanied Jensen that morning ridding in, injured. "What happened?", she yells at the man.

His answer makes her even more nervous than she already was.

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