I Have To Go

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For the last two weeks, Harmony and Jensen worked hard to try and recover some of what they lost the day they lost their child and everything that happened after. And Harmony has to admit that Jensen has been trying hard to show her that things were definitely going to be different this time around.

For the first time since it all happened, they spoke about the loss of their child and how it made them both feel. It quickly became clear to Harmony that, although she had time to process and start the mourning, Jensen didn't.

He had chosen to let her mourn, focusing instead on the Kingdom and everything that came with it. That, plus her refusal to talk to him, was what had pushed him to fall into Lady Teagan's scheme, Harmony now understood.

Once they spoke about it, Harmony and Jensen agreed that, from that point on, they would always talk to each other about what was bothering them, whatever that might be. It was an easy decision, but one that, given how they marriage started, was very much needed.

Harmony is sitting in the throne room, next to Jensen, hearing yet another Lord complaining about the rebels and how they have been terrorizing the people that live in their lands and spreading rumors regarding the nobles and the Royal Family.

Harmony knows that Jensen has been doing all he can to stop the rebels before they become an even bigger threat than they already are, his conviction having been renewed the day the rebels attacked her.

A messenger quietly enters the room and hands one of the valets a letter. Harmony sees the man approach her and handing her the letter, wondering who the letter might be from. As she looks at the envelope now in her hands, she sees her father's seal and a smile forms in her lips.

She knows that only one person would write her under her father's seal. Harmony opens the letter, expecting to see Elise's beautiful handwriting, but, instead, is met with a handwriting she doesn't immediately recognize.

As Harmony's eyes scan through the letter, her smile slowly disappears and is replaced by an expression of worry. Excusing herself, she hastily makes her way to her chambers. She knows that time is of the essence, if that letter is to be believed.

The worried expression on Harmony's face didn't go unnoticed by Jensen, who, as soon as he ends his conversation with the Lord, follows Harmony out of the throne room. He had seen the change in her expression once she opened the letter and he can only assume that it was bad news.

He rushes through the corridors and almost misses Harmony entering their chambers. By the time he reaches her, she is already packing a bag and sending a servant to the stables to get her horse ready.

-"Harmony, what's going on?" - He sees her grabbing a cape and shoving it in her bag.

-"I have to leave, but I won't be away long. I'll explain everything once I return."

-"Does this have to do with the letter you received?"

-"It doesn't matter. I need you to trust me." - She says, clearly nervous.

-"Harmony, I do trust you, but there has been an increase in threats made by the rebels against us. I can't just let you go without knowing what's going on or where you're going."

-"I just need to take care of something. I told you, I'll explain everything when I return."

-"That's not good enough, Harmony. You need to tell me something more than just that."

-"When you were going to see your mistress, I never asked you any questions. The least you can do is do the same for me right now." - She explodes.

Silence. That's what she is met with. Silence and hurt. One look at Jensen's face, and she knows she just hurt him deeply. Harmony knows that that was a low blow, specially now that they are rebuilding their relationship, but time is against her and she can't afford to waste any more of it by standing there arguing.

She grabs her bag and hurries out of the room, headed for the stables. It hurts her that she had to hurt him like that, and she knows that will take time for him to forgive her for it, but she hopes that once she explains everything to him, he will understand. If Harmony was to tell him what's happening and why she needs to leave, he would try and stop her, and she can't have that.

Harmony arrives at the stables and secures her bag to Moonlight's saddle, before climbing on. Reaching the gate, she stops and looks back, seeing Jensen standing there, hurt still present in his eyes. She prays that this isn't how they will leave things and that she will see him again.

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