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Pack meeting tonight. Harvey wants you there. Pick you up at 8:00.

I reread Abby's text throughout my shift at the café, over dinner at home, and in my bedroom, as I lie on my bed. I wanted to work on some upcoming assignments that are due at the start of next week, but I can't focus, not when I'm too concerned with the sudden pack meeting; I'm sure it's about the vampire Perry saw last night.

By the grace of God, Perry didn't let the truth slip — or, at least, his truth — when Mom worriedly examined his bandaged hand and while Dad fired off every question that could possibly come to mind: Where did you fall? What were you doing — jumping off the porch rail like I said not to? Are you sure he shouldn't see a doctor? Why were you playing outside in the dark?

Perry's a more seasoned liar than I thought he was — and all to protect his future ghost-hunting internet career. I stood by as he shot out answers: Outside. Yes. It doesn't hurt anymore. It wasn't even that dark.

Mom huffed and shooed him off, so Perry ran back upstairs. She muttered something about boys being boys and that was that.

The small clock on my phone reads 7:41 p.m. so I finally text back a confirmation to Abby and get up, still feeling guilty and timid about the whole vampire ordeal.

Harvey called me as I was tucked in bed last night to check in and see how Perry handled my parents. The call didn't last long; I think he could tell I wasn't in the mood to talk. I don't want to be mad at him — Harvey has no control over the monsters in the woods — but I can't help my feelings of frustration, of helplessness and weakness. He's built for beasts like that, but I'm not, Perry's not, and it all reverts to the same insecurity I've felt since we were mated; I simply don't suit Harvey's world no matter how badly I wish I did.

The Moon Goddess or whatever universal force that mated us must have made a mistake picking me.

At 7:58, Abby's car pulls up to the house, and I rush downstairs, finding my parents on the couch watching a show together.

"I'm going out with Abby for a bit," I say down the short hallway.

"Okay," Mom says, neither of them looking from the screen. "Have fun."

Dad grabs her arm suddenly and mutters, "There! That was the same guy in the background. There's something about that guy."

"You scared me," Mom scolds him.

I step into my shoes at the front door and slip out, making sure to lock it behind me. Abby is just ahead — muffled music plays from her small white car.

I walk briskly to it, yank the door open, and slide onto the passenger seat. "No Liam this time?" I question.

"Good to see you too. And no, he's already there," she says and turns off the curb, heading the way she came. "Harvey told me what happened with Perry last night."

I let out a long breath and lean against the seat once my seatbelt is secure. "Yeah," I sigh.

"Goddess, Mia. That must have been terrifying."

Out of nowhere, my eyes burn with welling tears, catching me off guard. I haven't felt the need to cry about the incident since it happened.

She touches my leg, glancing worriedly from the road. "You okay?"

"No," I admit, trying to blink away and catch my tears with my fingers. "Perry could have died. I-I mean, a vampire? What the hell, Abby? Vampires?"

"I know." She turns the volume knob until her music is nothing but a mumble. "We don't take things like this lightly — they aren't really common, especially around here. Europe — that's where you need to watch out for them, but Black Lake? It's been years since we've come across any."

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