Chapter 2- Ryder

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I stepped into the bar where she worked around 6.
She just started her shift about 20 minutes ago and I grin as I see her come out behind the bar.
So fucking gorgeous.

She's wearing some black jeans that fit her way too fucking good, and a black tank top that gives me a peak of her cleavage.
I make my way to a secluded booth, sitting back before the bar becomes busy.
The top half of her curls are pulled out of her face with a clip behind her head, a few strands falling out and brushing against her cheekbones as she works.

I come in here pretty regularly now, but try to keep a low profile, not wanting her to get suspicious just yet.
I go over and order a drink from her sometimes, but never am able to start a conversation.
It's like my brain looses its composure talking to her and I feel like a fucking idiot.

I have to fight to hold myself back whenever she gets hit on or someone is rude to her.
She doesn't fucking deserve that.
My beautiful girl only deserves the best, someone to take care of her. Me.

The bar begins to fill up slowly as it grows later and she remains focused on taking orders and making drinks.
I smile as she blows a strand of hair out of her face as she pours another glass.
Her cheeks are becoming rosy from running around all night.
She'd look so good all flushed and beneath me...
I take a breath, collecting myself as I watch her work.

I wonder if she liked her job?
If she was with me she wouldn't have to work if she didn't want to....
I smile to myself... Soon.

A few rowdy college guys bust through the doors laughing and yelling. I sit back, annoyed with their obnoxious behavior.
I make sure to keep my eyes on them as they go over to the bar, calling over my girl to come take their order.
Fucking pricks.

I can tell as she sighs annoyed, forcing a smile as she walks over to take their orders.
My grip on my table tightened as I see them all looking over her, not even trying to be subtle as they stare down her tank top.
They spit out some stupid drink orders, and one of the boys adds:

"And I'll take your number too sweetheart" with a cocky grin.

My fingers itch for my gun. I fucking swear.
She gets hit on often, but it's egotistical assholes like these that set me off.

"No thanks" my pretty girl says as she moves to walk away.
Good girl.
The kid doesn't seem to understand the fucking word "no", as he goes and wraps grubby hand around her arm, not letting my girl leave.

"Come on sugar" the boy grins, gripping her arm.

I'm out of my fucking chair.

Before I even get there, Hailey elbows the dude so that he releases her, muttering "fuck you" before turning away.
Good fucking girl.

Before the douchebag can say another word I put my arm around him and him and his friends turn to look at me now.
They gulp softly. Good.

"Let's get some air boys" I say lowly before subtly dragging them outside the bar. Away from my precious girl.

"You must really think you're the shit huh? You think you can put your hands on a woman huh?" I ask the guy who grabbed my girl.

He looks up at me with widened eyes,
"Man- I didn't do shit just chill out-"
Before he can finish spitting out nonsense I punch him square in the face.
He groans as blood pours from his nose.
I push him back into the arms of his scared friends.
Fucking pussies.

"Don't let me see any of you again. Leave." I tell them, fighting the urge to smirk as they scurry away.

I make my way back inside and take a seat at the bar. After making a few more drinks, my girl comes over to me with a soft smile.
God she's so fucking good.

"What happened with those guys huh?" She asks me sweetly.
Her voice sounds like honey

I look up at her for a moment before collecting myself and answering:
"Suggested they head home" I tell her, trying to hide my smirk.
She raises an eyebrow at me for a moment as if she knows I'm lying but leaves it alone.

"Can I get you something?"
"A Jack and coke please" I tell her with a grin.
She nods softly, walking off.
In a few minutes, she hands me my drink, and I thank her before she runs off to make some more orders.
I sip my drink slowly, savoring it as I watch her work seamlessly.

More hair has fallen out of her clip as the night has gone on, her curls messy but stunning.
I can't help but watch her the whole night, time seeming to slip by before I realize it.

It's last call by the time I recognize how long I've been here.
I've been distracted.

She doesn't seem to even notice my presence as she cleans up the bar, getting ready to close. I place a fifty on the table for her before getting up. As I'm leaving, I see her come out with her things ready to go.
Just fucking do something.
"You want me to walk you to your car or something? It's late..." I say, turning back to face her.
I let out a silent breath of relief as she smiles softly and tells me, "Yeah, thanks"

I try and hide my massive grin as I hold the door open for her, following her back to her car. The walk is quiet but peaceful, and ends way too soon for my liking.
She looks up at me with a smile,
"Thank you" she says again sweetly before getting into her car.
"Anytime" I tell her, backing off as she drives away.
Anytime doll.

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