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The next day felt like a blur as Amalia woke up, groggily dragged herself to the shower, slithered into a shirt and cargo pants and slugged some coffee and left her room. Chromia had gotten up earlier to go on patrol.

She wasn't entirely sure of what to do for the day, and Ratchet had basically forbidden her from leaving the grounds of the base, so for now, all she could do was see what everyone else was up to and maybe help them if needed.

Just as she rounded the corner towards the hangar, the coffee in her stomach lurched and she leaned against the wall, debating whether she should go eat something more filling first or vomit and clear her stomach. The latter option sounded tempting, even if it was unpleasant, but the nausea soon wore off, replaced by a loud grumbling. Sighing, she headed back up to her room.

Azura barked happily when she saw her mistress come in, and padded into the kitchen with her. Amalia searched through one of the food cabinets and found some flour, sugar and dry yeast. She set those out, and gathered some eggs from the fridge. She soaked the yeast, then mixed the flour, sugar and eggs together until she had soft peaks at the end of the whisk. Then she added the yeast, mixed again, and poured the mixture into a waffle iron.

"Good morning"! a voice trilled from the door, and Amalia looked up just in time to see Sarissa waltzing in, holding a brown paper bag, to which she groaned.

"Aw, what's wrong"? Sarissa asked.

"Ma, I just made waffles", Amalia gusted out, gesturing to the waffle iron.

Upon inhaling the sweet scent, the Mini-Con femme purred. "You can keep that if you want something sweet later. Or I can have it".

Amalia's face twisted into a grimace and she hid it with her shirt. "You'll clog your engines, Ma".

"You're no fun", Sarissa whined playfully, then opened the bag and pulled out a plastic tray. "I got this from one of the local diners. They have the kind of bacon you like".

Amalia took the bag, but still gave her mother a pointed look. "Do not try anything funny with my back turned".

"Really? Not even a 'thank you"? Sarissa replied, faking hurt as she sat on one of the chairs. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine, I won't touch your precious waffles".

"Muchas gracias mamá por el desayuno", Amalia replied, smirking as she saw her mother flinch from her sudden reply in Spanish. Sarissa understood Spanish, but she never spoke much of it with her daughter or with anyone in general (unless she was cursing). Much of the Spanish Amalia spoke came from her father, though even then she wasn't inclined to speak much.

Amalia reached her hand into the paper bag and pulled out three round plastic containers, each filled with sliced bacon, scrambled eggs and cut up toast points, while Sarissa set out the glasses and brewed some coffee. Azura wagged her tail and propped herself up on the kitchen table with her front legs, staring longingly at the food.

"Sorry, girl, but this isn't for you", Amalia reminded the dogbot, petting her helm as she whined and went to go harass her mistress's mother for treats.

A few minutes into sipping it and the coffee kicked in, finally waking her up.

"Oh my...did I make it too strong"? Sarissa asked, pulling the cup away, but Amalia stopped her.

"I'm fine, Ma", she answered. "Though I guess I'll be having zoomies later". Then quickly followed the reply up by asking, "where's Pa"?

"He went out on a grocery run for you", Sarissa replied, then glanced towards the fridge. "When I stopped sleeping here, I restocked the fridge from time to time just in case you decided you wanted to live here, but the guys kept removing the items. Said it would be a waste of perishables".

Notes Of A Precious One (Volume A1)Where stories live. Discover now