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"Azura? Come here, girl".

The canid Mini-Con yipped and bounced up to her mistress, dipping her muzzle into her open hand as she scratched behind her ears with her other hand. She had been sent up to go to bed by Sarissa, but was finding it difficult to sleep with the overwhelming anxiety from Amalia flooding her EM field, so now she was keeping her company until she eventually fell asleep.

If Arcee had sensed the change of emotion in her EM field, she gave no indication of it. The pink femme was buried up to her neck cabling in colourful stim toys, consisting of squishy tubes and balls, fidget spinners, soft silicone squares with shapes that bulged out when the square was bent and even some plushies. She was currently hugging one that looked like a grey tabby cat, running her nose into its soft synthetic fur.

"I didn't know you had so many of these"! she chirped, squashing the stuffed cat against her chestplates. "Do you play with them"?

"Sometimes I play with them, sometimes its Azura playing with them. Or my mom on bad days", Amalia explained, picking up a hot pink, Scheele's green and light blue ombre tube and absent-mindedly squeezing it between her fingers. "They're mostly for my cousins when they come over. I thought my parents had given them the whole box when I found it missing".

"Sarissa planned for you to stay here permanently once you turned twenty-one in human years", Ratchet clarified, stepping up to the two women with an Energon cube in one hand. "In light of the current situation, however, it seems you will have to start staying here earlier".

"But I can go home anytime I want, right"? Amalia asked.

"We can only ask, but where you want to stay after this is your choice", Ratchet replied. "For the time being, however, until the Decepticons lose interest in you, it would be best to reside here".

Not like I planned to leave anyway, Amalia thought, scritching Azura's head idly. "Why do the Decepticons want me anyway"?

The room fell silent at that, and Azura awoke and glanced at her mistress in quiet thought. Arcee stopped hugging the plush cat and Ratchet looked away, looking very uncomfortable.

"To tell you the truth"... Arcee begin.

"We aren't too sure either", Ratchet answered, cutting her off. "Its complicated, but frustrating nonetheless. Unfortunately, even I can't give you a solid answer. All I know is that you have something they want, and that's why Prime has asked that you be moved here earlier".

Amalia licked her teeth as she mulled on the thought. "I mean, I did think of moving here once I was older, but not permanently".

"You're gonna love it here"! Arcee purred, dropping the stuffed cat and climbing up onto the bed beside Amalia. "The soldiers bring back all kinds of cool stuff for Wheeljack to work on! Maybe you can find something to work or practice on"?

The girl ran a hand through her short hair thoughtfully. "I could find a way to make better mesh grafts".

"So long as you don't compromise your studies", Ratchet replied. "What do you plan to go into"?

"I was thinking of mechanics", Amalia told him, then looked away. "But I'm not sure now".

"It'll be a few more months until you're cleared to attend university", Arcee explained. "Best start making a list now, because its on a first come, first serve basis".

Amalia merely nodded in reply. She didn't feel like saying much.

"Can I come in"? someone called from outside.

"Sure. The door's unlocked"! Amalia called back. Chromia stepped inside and Azura padded up to her, sniffing her for anything foreign. "Hi, abuela".

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