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7:00 a.m., Woolsborough, Mission City outskirts

Amalia yawned deeply as she stretched her arms and legs out on her sun-drenched bed.

"Buen día, Woolsborough", she purred, drawing back the curtains to let in more of the early morning sun. They painted her tanned hands a golden yellow, and warmed them too.

The rest of her bedroom was illuminated in the process; dark blue wallpaper patterned with intricate gear designs; an ebony lattice floor; cyan blue carpet; iron-grey wardrobe and dressing table; a bookrack stuffed to exploding with books; and a white door...

...which was promptly kicked open as Sarissa clomped in, yelling at someone through her comm unit.

"Are you seriously expecting me to believe you idiotas let a Decepticon the size of Prime's giant ass right into your base"!? she screeched, frantically waving her cobalt blue and silvery grey arms around like she was swatting mosquitoes. "His head was literally SHAPED like the fucking Decepticon insignia, he had eyes redder than a bottle of wine mixed with human blood and somehow that didn't set off any alarm bells"!?

Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting, Amalia thought to herself as she observed her mother. Sarissa didn't randomly pop into her daughter's room when she was arguing with someone over the comm unit, but if she was here now then that meant she had to tell her something this time.

Plus it was also just hilarious to silently bet on which poor soul was at the receiving end of one of her mother's cussbox lectures.

"No no no no no no, I am not tolerating anymore of this disparates"! she spat, whipping her helm around to glance at the robot-shaped clock on the wall. "You should've called dad or mom the moment you felt something was off! No, my decision's final. You clean up your mess down there, fin de la historia. Goodbye".

And with that, she turned it off.

"Well, good morning to you", Sarissa murmured as she turned to face her daughter. "How much of that did you hear"?

"All of it, if you must know", Amalia replied smoothly, then sobered up. "It sounded serious though. What happened"?

"Long story short, mija. Some Decepticon cabron named Blackout blew up a base in Qatar", Sarissa gusted, sitting on the side of the bed as she inhaled deeply. "Damnit. I could've spit on that pendejo if I was there! How the hell anyone can't spot a Con is beyond me"-

"Well, they are good at blending in", Amalia interjected.

"That too", Sarissa agreed, then changed the topic. "Well then, guess what day it is today"?

"Tuesday"? Amalia answered.

"That, and something else", Sarissa purred, giving her a knowing look.

"Taco Tuesday"? Amalia asked.

"Nope", Sarissa replied.

Amalia was about to tell her mother to just spit it out already when she finally pieced it together.

"My birthday"? she asked.

"Si", Sarissa added, then pounced on her daughter in a hug. "Happy birthday to my itty-bitty baby botty"!

"Ow! Ow ow ow ow, stop it! Ma? Ma"! Amalia could barely stop laughing as she wrestled Sarissa to the floor, the femme she called her mother laughing with her as well as she managed to pin her down. "Ha! How you like me now"?

"You've packed a bit more power into those legs, that's for sure", Sarissa quipped, gently pushing her off herself and sitting up. "And...I apologise for waking you abruptly just now".

Notes Of A Precious One (Volume A1)Where stories live. Discover now