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"Tracy, I need you for a moment".

The blonde presidential aide quietly padded up to the table, stopping a few inches away from the door. "What is it, sir"?

"Can you please wrangle up some Ding Dongs for me"? he asked, barely looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Sure", Tracy replied, and left the room.

She made her way through the corridor, and pressed the button for the elevator. While she waited, she scrolled through the messages on her phone.

Decepticon razes US base in Qatar, read the headline of the news channel she followed online. She tapped the notification and the page opened up to a picture someone had managed to take amidst the chaos. It showed the Decepticon in question, eyes red as hellfire with a small head that was nearly lost in the bulk of his shoulders, glaring right at the camera as if he absolutely despised having his photo taken.

Creepy bastards, she winced, stowing her phone back in her pocket. Ever since the arrival of the Transformers on Earth, life had been a little... unpredictable, so to speak.

The Decepticons, especially, only added to the chaos.

The elevator came up and Tracy stepped into it. The doors closed behind her and she made to turn around...

Only to see a silver CD player boombox in a corner of the elevator.

"Who left a boombox in here"? she mused, picking it up and holding it up to her face. She pressed one of the buttons and the CD tray popped out so fast it smacked her nose.

"Ow! The fuck"!? she exclaimed, fixing the boombox with a suspicious look. She swore she heard it giggling softly, or had that blow to her nose also knocked her head funny?

God knows.

The elevator finally came to a stop at the storage area, and she got off, putting the boombox on a rack and went looking for the muffins.

It wasn't long before she located the box labelled 'Ding Dongs' and unwrapped one to check it. She tore off the foil covering the muffin, but as she was about to throw it away, she noticed that the boom box was missing from the rack.

Maybe someone took it, she thought, then suddenly stumbled on something, causing the muffin she had been holding to roll under one of the cupboards.

"Shitfuck", she cursed, getting down on her knees to try and get it out. She was about to reach her arm underneath the cupboard when the muffin emerged from under it, as if someone had kicked it.

Or something, she thought, blowing the dust off the sweet and taking a bite out of it. The rest in the box were still fresh. Hoover could have those.

What was a little dust on your food anyway?

Unbeknownst to her, a sinister shape was watching from the shadows...


Frenzy twitched his head and waited until the door closed, then he tip-toed out.

"Hunt hunt", he hissed, climbing up into the air duct. Soundwave had already provided him with the coordinates for this building's server room. All he had to do was go to it now.

Which was easier said than done when you had to do it in a place crawling to high AllSpark with fleshies.

"I'll wait outside. You get in there and get the job done", Barricade had told him before releasing him into the plane.

Frenzy climbed up and down for some time, looking for the opening leading to the server room. Once he found it, he kicked it open.

"Flimsy insects", he hissed to himself, looking for someplace to plug his arms into. Finally, he found a socket and, fusing his arms into a single long needle-like plug, inserted it into the socket and begin the lengthy process of hacking.

Notes Of A Precious One (Volume A1)Where stories live. Discover now