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"Is this the spot"?

"No, this is the entrance to that spot".

Amalia didn't have to turn around nor pull down her hood to know Stephanie was groaning behind her. They had been walking for an hour after all, and unlike her, Stephanie had never been to this spot before.

The place she was scoping out was a spot only she knew the exact location of, seeing as she went jungle trekking all the time. She had gone with her father and Azura, a canid Mini-Con (or Xosky a.k.a Xolo-Husky as Amalia told anyone who didn't know she was a Transformer) adopted by her mother years ago as a pup and given to her as a companion. Azura followed her mistress everywhere she went, be it at home or outside, and today was no exception.

Behind her, Stephanie was panting hard, swiping her hands across her forehead frequently. Beside her, Ryder, her younger brother, trotted along, unflustered by the long trek. Vector was up beside his daughter, his short moustache twitching as he walked along. The sight almost made Amalia laugh, though she quickly stifled it with her hoodie.

"Alright, let's take a break here", she announced to the group at that point as she padded up to a clearing lined with flat boulders. "We still have the rest of the way to go after we rest, unless Steph wants this spot instead".

"Nah, I'm gonna weigh my options and then decide", Stephanie huffed, taking a seat on one of the boulders. "And I don't see why it has to be so far. I mean, you could've picked someplace closer".

"You said you wanted the best spot for a party in the woods, so you're going to get the best spot for a party in the woods", Amalia retorted, briefly checking to make sure Azura was close by before resuming. "Honestly Steph, I thought you were something of an athlete".

"Yeah well, a treadmill doesn't have sticks and rough dirt to walk over", Stephanie countered.

"You should go jungle trekking with us sometime", Vector offered. "Or camping! There's this spot Amalia and I go to where there's a waterfall! You'd like that, wouldn't you"?

"I'll have to pack a lot of insect repellant", Amalia replied.

"Aw, what's the matter? Can't handle itty-bitty bugs"? Stephanie teased.

"Oh, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you", Amalia noted, then narrowed her eyes. "Wouldn't want my best porcelain blotted now, would I"?

The sensuous remark made everyone laugh, though Ryder merely huffed in amusement. With her strawberry blonde locks, slim figure, porcelain skin and wide hazel eyes, Stephanie looked more or less like any stereotypical depiction of the 'popular girl in highschool', and some people did treat her as such.

Something which Amalia didn't partake in, but that wasn't without reason.

"Say, after we scope this spot, what say we hit up the nearest clothes store"? the girl asked, giving Azura a fond pat on her head when the seal blue Mini-Con dog showed her a pebble she had found. "You look like you could do with a new party dress, hun".

Amalia barely glanced at her. "I have enough clothes. Just enjoy the party".

"Listen, Lia, I know you prefer the background most of the time, but it would also be good to meet new people for a change", Vector implored, draping one hairy and tanned arm over his daughter's shoulders. "Or just relax and enjoy yourself. That's alright too".

"Gurl, with the exception of your birthdays and your highschool prom, you've never been to any other party in your life"! Stephanie exclaimed, then flicked one of the wolf ears on her friend's hoodie playfully. "Are you seriously planning to go your whole life on only that much of fun? You'll die from boredom at the rate you're going"!

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