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She couldn't remember how long she was out, until she woke up...

...and immediately closed her eyes again, the brightness of the lights feeling painful after keeping them closed for so long.

"She's awake"! someone shouted from outside the medibay. "Someone get a doctor in here stat"!

"Amalia"! Sarissa gasped, throwing her blue arms around her daughter's body like they were whips. "Oh, Primus, are you alright!? Bumblebee commed me and said you were having a seizure".

"'M fine, ma", Amalia replied groggily, rubbing her eyes. "Where's dad"?

"Right here, mija"! came her father's booming voice, and he too, hugged her. "Are you alright? Does your head hurt? Do you feel pain behind your eyes? Are you feeling dizzy? Anything out of the ordinary"?

"I'm fine", Amalia replied, leaning into the hug. "For least".

She tried to swing her legs off the bed, but only managed to hit them against the railing. Wincing, she tried again, but her father shoved her legs back in.

"You need to rest, mija", he told her. "You've been through quite the ordeal".

"I just said I'm fine", Amalia retorted, then clumsily shuffled out of the blanket and bed. "But that was...that was crazy".

Her mother only murmured solemnly. "I know".


It took awhile for the doctors to check her over before she was allowed to leave the medibay and go back to her room. Bumblebee and Jazz offered to stay inside with her and help her unpack her things...which actually ended up being a lot easier than expected.

"Where'd you two learn to unpack a human suitcase"? she asked them.

Bumblebee's optics glowed brightly as he warbled, and Jazz explained. "After Megatron destroyed our former base, Prime had the idea of using mass displacement to fit us in smaller rooms, since they were the only ones available to recharge in. Long story short, we got used to it".

"We still rebuilt the hangar, but now we just use it for meetings and stuff", Bumblebee replied, pushing the now empty suitcase into a space above the bureau. "Your suitcase is up here in case you need it again".

"So I'm basically living here now"? Amalia asked, then slumped on her bed. "Gee, wonder what made ma change her mind"?

Jazz flicked his fox ears back and forth. "Mighty hard to tell, to be frank with you. I tried asking her once when we were alone, but she said that was classified".

"On the flip side though, you get to hang out with us all day"! Bumblebee warbled cheerily, his voice sounding like it was coming from his stomach rather than his throat now. "Wanna watch a movie later"?

Amalia looked away. "I... don't know".

"Or maybe go for a ride with the twins"? Bumblebee suggested. "Or we can shoot some hoops? Or"-

"Bee, why don't we give her some time to get settled"? Jazz replied, placing his servo on the scout's shoulder. "This is surely a big change for her".

"Can you stay with me in here, Jazz"? Amalia asked, hurling herself around a pillow. "Just until its time to sleep, or so".

"No can do, I'm afraid. Prime needs me for patrol tonight", Jazz explained, holding his silvery servos up. "I can do tomorrow night, though. I'll call Cee to keep you company today".

Amalia reached forward and hugged the short silver mech. "Thanks Jazz. Thanks Bumblebee. This...this means a lot".

The yellow and silver mechs hugged back, gently caressing her hair. Bumblebee then pointed to a kitchenette set slightly further from the bed. "The fridge is full. If you're still hungry though, you can always come down to the mess hall".

"I think I'll cook tonight", Amalia replied. "But...thanks anyway".

Jazz and Bumblebee waved goodbye and left her room, and she hurled herself around the pillow again. Once she'd made sure no one else was at the door, she begin to weep quietly.



"Hmm"? Barricade acknowledged the Mini-Con's call. "What is it"?

"Message from Starscream", he replied, projecting a hologram of Starscream in his jet form.

"Have you found her yet"? the Decepticon Air Commander asked.

"My scanners detected a flux of energy coming from somewhere", Barricade replied.

Starscream let out a small snort. "I'll have Soundwave examine that. How are you and that Mini-Con"?

In response, Frenzy let out a piercing shriek and started chasing a stray cat.

"This amount of concern is surprising, coming from you, Starscream", Barricade replied.

The jet huffed. "Don't start assuming things. You're better use alive than dead anyway".

He paused a moment before continuing. "Patrol the outside of the city for now. When the girl appears, be as discreet as possible".

"Understood. Barricade out", the shocktrooper turned him comm off, spine still wincing from the interaction with the jet earlier.

"Rat! Rat! Rat"! Frenzy chittered, chasing the cat here and there. It spat and hissed at him peevishly, then proceeded to growl from the branch it hid on.

"Leave it, Frenzy. Let's go", Barricade called to him, transforming into V mode and opening his passenger door. The Mini-Con chittered and climbed in. Once he was secure in his radio, Barricade disappeared down the busy highway.

Notes Of A Precious One (Volume A1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora