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12 1/2 or 13 years later...

"AllSpark, is it hot today", Blackout hissed in complaint to himself. He shook his tail a bit to force a bit more coolant up his body, but even the cool gel was a poor substitute for cooling off in the heat of this region of Earth the humans called 'Qatar'.

He had been flying for days, now totalling a week at the rate he was going. The fact that he was a fast military helicopter didn't change the fact that strike one: the heat in wherever the fragging Pit he had been sent to was hot enough to boil his blood fuel, and strike two: the idea of interacting with humans made his converter roil.

Yes, a human base. That's where he was heading. According to the latest intel gathered by Soundwave (thank Primus he could still take orders from him and not that whiny sycophant who called himself Starscream), the information regarding their missing leader was located in their database, as well as the coordinates for the AllSpark's location.

Well, AllSpark be damned, he just hated humans.

"I mean, who doesn't"? he muttered to himself, giving his entire self a full-on shake in an effort to get the coolant flowing faster. "Squishy-aft, disgusting little pricks. They make a Scraplet look like the best pet in the universe".

"I thought I was your pet"? Scorponok interjected.

"Oh, go bite a Jesus nut", Blackout snapped at the tiny scorpion Mini-Con. "I'm already roasting in this smelting pool of a region here. I don't have the energy to spare for your witty remarks".

"Oh, lighten up, will ya"? Scorponok rasped, clacking his tail. "At least you're not doing this alone. Hey, you remember the time we took down an entire-aft base of"-

"Scorponok, you've been running your voxbox for almost six days", Blackout gusted, exasperated. "Don't you ever get tired? Or more accurately, doesn't your voxbox ever get tired"?

"Too bad for you, it doesn't. Nyeh"! Scorponok hissed, sticking his checks out at him from his interior.

Blackout just sighed. "Let's hope this won't be a fool's errand. I know I'm loyal to Megatron, no question, but taking his orders via Starscream makes me want to shoot my helm off at times".

"At times, or all the time"? Scorponok added teasingly.

Blackout merely grumbled and floored the rotors.


"Man, its been a pretty boring couple of decades, eh"? Epps asked one of the technicians, before a warning smack to the back of the head made him change tones. "Ow! Lennox, what the fuc-"-

"Don't you start with that right now, Epps", the older tan-clad man warned his colleague. "You're asking for trouble with that sentence".

"Who? Me? Trouble"? Epps asked back, throwing up his hands in mock defeat. "Nah man, I'm just saying. Its been awhile since we got anything interesting down here".

"And I'm just saying that that's a surefire way to send more trouble than you can handle coming your way", Lennox shot back. "And I'd prefer if things stayed calm long enough for me to head back and give my baby girl a hug before I return again for service".

"How long has it been since you saw her"? Figueroa asked.

"Since she was born", Lennox mused, causing one of the technicians to look at him funny. "What"?

"Sure you don't want Epps to cover for you"? the younger man asked. "Or get one of 'em Transformers to come down here and haul ass for a bit? No doubt Ironhide would oblige. He loves an excuse to shoot anything".

Notes Of A Precious One (Volume A1)Where stories live. Discover now