Chapter 60

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*Grace's P.O.V*

"I know what that look means, baby. It means you don't approve of mommy's choice for you. I do have a reason for it so let me explain..." Mommy starts, finishing her work of taping my diaper snug against me.

"You see, you need a nap. Don't interrupt! You are taking a nap and that's final. You have had a long and stressful day. You need food and a nap, in that order. Because you just went potty, you won't need to go until after your nap, in the best case. Most likely case, it will happen during your nap..." Mommy continues as she inspects her handiwork. Finding it to her satisfaction, she pulls out a onesie from a drawer under the table and helps me sit up straight.

"If my guess is correct and you do end up having an accident while sleeping, I don't trust a pullup. I'm sorry, I just don't. The chance of it shifting with how much you have been moving lately or it simply hitting capacity is too high. You saw and felt how bad the pullup I just changed was, baby. It's just better that you wear a diaper to bed and now is the perfect time to put you in one because it will stay dry until you are at least asleep. This way I don't have to waste a pullup and change you again after lunch. Once you wake up, I promise it will come off if you want it to. Even if it is still dry." Mommy tells me while taking my shirt off. I instinctively cover my chest with my arms, even though I'm still in a bra and not completely naked. Mommy just rolls her eyes at me as she unfolds the onesie and stuffs my head into it.

"You have to understand that I'm trying my best, baby. You make me play this guessing game on how much push I can give when it comes to things you need and I'm tired of it. You need my help and support in your own unique way. That isn't something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It just makes you, you." Mommy says as she pulls my hair out from the onesie neck collar and pushes my arms through the sleeves, allowing the onesie to finally fall down my chest and rest on the table.

"Don't believe me? Fine... what are you wearing? A diaper and a onesie. Do I care? I put you in it, Grace! I wiped you and cleaned you. I bought you everything here so you could be as comfortable as possible and so it could go as smoothly as possible." Mommy says, laying me back down so she can snap the onesie closed.

"Why? Because you need them. Pullups are fine when it's a small accident or you need to hide that you are padded. They are not fine when you are at risk of flooding them and making them leak. I'm also just tired of getting on my hands and knees to change and clean you every time it's needed. I'm not young anymore, baby. I needed the table. It's why your daddy made it. I can't sit bent over you on the floor or bed like I did the first time we did this and I'm tired of trying to get you cleaned while you stand." Mommy tells me as she puts my shorts back on.

"It's also why he made you the bed with railings. I can't keep comforting you after you roll off in the middle of the night. I need sleep too. Once was too many times for me not to worry about it constantly, baby. Not to mention that it's now surprising if it doesn't happen. You are going to get seriously hurt if it doesn't stop. That is why you have the rails on your bed. Yes, rails, because it is not a crib. We aren't trying to trap you in your bed. You can easily come and go from it for that exact reason. You now will have a very hard time falling off though so we can both sleep peacefully now." Mommy continues as she picks me up and rests me on her hip.

I'm only on her hip for a short trip to my bed before I'm placed down on said bed. Inspecting it more closely, I see hints of daddy's handiwork all over it. Inspecting the headboard makes me smile as there is a heart with daddy's girl engraved in it. I'm sure mommy wasn't too pleased with that, if she even knows about it. I also now feel bad that I tried to destroy the bed and in front of daddy too. He probably thinks I hate it now and is upset over it!

"Let's not forget about your hatred for a proper seat in a car so your life... your life, Grace... isn't at risk. Why again do we need to put your life at risk you ask? Because you are too embarrassed to admit you are too short and underweight so need extra security while in the car." Mommy says, finding my socks and putting them back on my feet.

"Let's not forget the booster at the table so you can more easily eat or the sippy cups so I don't have to constantly clean up spilt liquid or the bibs so I don't have to use stain removal on all your new clothes or the bottles because why would we want you falling easily asleep." Mommy says, sounding like she's had enough before she pauses and takes a calming breath.

"I just can't do this anymore, Grace. I can't keep playing this game. Not again. I need your full commitment or I'm done. You will either be my baby girl or my adult daughter that is responsible for herself. My mental health just can't take this back and forth, always second guessing my actions anymore. Every choice I make for you I am guessing if I'm doing it because I want to or because you need it. Of course you will tell me you don't before I even get a word in so I have to then guess if you are being honest or just afraid and embarrassed to admit how you truly feel or just a brat. So I'm done. No more games. No more second guessing. Today... this... was my last straw." Mommy says gesturing around the room.

"I need the freedom to treat you the way you need to be treated and that is pretty much like a toddler so that is what you will become to me. For the next week, I will treat you just like I would a toddler. I get full control and complaining about my choices will be ignored or could very well lead to a very sore bottom or some other appropriate punishment. After that, we can discuss what changes need to happen so your life is more enjoyable as said toddler. This isn't a punishment. This is me telling you your equivalent mental age. Unless you stop fighting this and let me help you the only way I know how, I simply can't." Mommy says with a shrug.

"If you can't do that for me and yourself, then you will have to figure all this out on your own. I will still be here for you and make sure you are getting the stuff done but you will have to do it yourself. That means doing your laundry, keeping yourself clean and dry, keeping your spaces clean, managing your sleep schedule, finding a job, managing your daily food and water, doing what you need to keep yourself safe and healthy, informing us of what you need... In other words, being an adult." Mommy continues...

"I can't deal with this have it both ways anymore. You have to pick, Grace. You either come into my arms and get carried out of your bedroom as a toddler or exit this room on your own two feet as my adult daughter. Pick, Grace, and pick now." Mommy demands, leaving no room for me to have any other say in this

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