chapter 37: this is getting good now

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A/N: did i... just update 😱😱 a lil two months gap 😻 (i'm literally so sorry guys)
also, lil story time bc the most wattpad thing happened to me so i HAVE to share: i was on a short exchange thingy and OMG THE MOST PRETTIEST DUTCH GIRL WAS DESIGNATED TO STAY AT MY HOUSE ‼️ she was literally so nice and all but omfg literal regina george was sleeping in my room like wtf

Wednesday's point of view

"How does WHAT??" Tyler asked.
"You heard me. How to kill a Hyde."
"No," he refused, crossing his arms.
"Tell us."
"No, Wednesday."
"Look, you better—" Enid started.
"No, I had trouble getting accepted into this school, okay? I'm not getting involved with whatever messy plan you girls have. Especially if it involves killing... me?"
"Killing a Hyde," Enid corrected.
"Still, that sounds messy as hell, no thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have... stuff to get back to," he said, pushing us back outside.
"OMG, who's in here?!" Enid asked, getting further into his room, which curtains weren't open yet.
I was going to ask a question, but then Cascina revealed herself.
"I think I'm gonna throw up," Enid said.
"Oh shut up!"
"That's the secret boyfriend?!!"
"Would've kept him secret too, to be fair," I stated.
"I'm still here, you know," Tyler intervened.
"Can you two just stop?" Cascina asked.
Enid and I looked at each other and nodded.
"Then please just go away, this is between us and Tyler."


After a couple of hours, Enid and I had covered some precious information. Convincing Tyler had been the hardest part, but after offering some money, he gave in. And he didn't skimp on the details. As could easily be predicted, one of the weakest points of a Hyde were its eyes. He had explained other things; we had written down all of it in a notebook.
The sun was starting to set as we were walking back to our dorm. The plan was to sort everything out, go eat dinner, then get back to work.
We walked past Stan's dorm. I sighed. Enid noticed.
"Don't you wanna go ask him—"
"No, it's fine."
I'd rather die right there and then.
"Are you sure?"
I sighed. "Yes, Enid."
We walked in silence for the rest of the distance. I put my hand in the depths of my pocket to find my single key, but Enid had already opened the door.
"I didn't see you get your keys," I commented.
"Oh it was unlocked."
Whatever, I thought. I was glad to be back in our dorm, as there had been a prominent sweat smell in the boys's. For once, I was glad that Alice had this weird thing for scented candles. I'd rather choke on a cinnamon smell than a smelly feet one. By chance, there was one burning on the low table. Did it smell like someone was vaping in the middle of the common room rather than... 'candy apple - bubblegum', as stated in the tag? Yes. But I was grateful for it at that moment.
"Wens, why are you sniffing that shit like it's gonna solve all your problems?" Cascina laughed.
I put the candle down and joined Enid at the base of the stairs. To be honest, I hadn't even realized I'd picked up the candle.
I followed Enid upstairs. She waited next to my room's door, waiting for me to open it. Unlike the front door, I always locked this one.
Once we were inside, I immediately searched for that one book about Hydes from last year. It was in its usual place, under my mattress, alongside other stuff I didn't really care about. If someone were to go through my room, they would immediately find it and not look for the actually important stuff. But it was going to be useful for once, and I was glad I hadn't thrown it away last year.
"Omg, the notebook! I completely forgot about it," Enid exclaimed.
"Me too, to be honest."
I went through it. There were some blank pages at the end. I sat down at my desk and I started to fill them with everything Tyler had told us.
"Can I help with anything?"
I looked back at her. "Not really."
I continued what I was doing.
"I'm gonna go eat then."
I sighed. "What did I tell you about us being a target?"
"At least now I know how to defend myself."
"Just let me finish this real quick," I sighed again. "Or maybe... can you get the whiteboard from downstairs? Please?"
I turned around in my chair, Enid was standing closer than I thought.
"You know that shit is heavy as fuck, right?"
I got up and got closer.
"I'm sure you can do it," I smiled, squeezing her arm and then pulling her in for a kiss by it.
"What's gonna be next? You're gonna ask me to make you a sandwich?" she joked, her hands on my waist.
"Well, now that you brought it up..."
She pulled away.
"Yeah, not happening."
And she went away to get the whiteboard. I sighed in relief and sat down behind my desk again. Thing was there, tapping with his fingers on the wood. It had been a while since I had seen him.
"What, Thing?"
He signed something.
"What are you yapping about?"
He signed it again.
"Shut up! Me? An emotional manipulator?"
His whole body went up and down, as to nod.
"So what, I wanted her to get the whiteboard! No one was harmed!"
He said something else.
"What the hell, no, I'm not using her! Are you stupid or what?"
'But you are keeping her closer than you normally would just to keep her safe —ish,' he signed.
"No, I mean, maybe but—"
He shrugged his pinky and thumb, and tapped on the page I was on. 'More writing, less speaking.'
Five minutes later or so, Enid was back. I had had just enough time to condense everything in one page. As per usual she knocked, to announce her presence, I loved her for keeping doing that. She opened the door and rolled the gigantic whiteboard inside.
"HA!" she followed in and shut the door closed.
"Thanks, Enid."
I spun around in my chair again. She advanced towards me, flexing her arms.
"Real bodybuilder we got here," I laughed. She flexed even harder until we heard a snap.
"Don't worry that's just my shoulder."
"You just casually dislocated it, but okay."
"And I'm the dramatic one?" Enid laughed.
"Duh," I replied, grabbing her by the collar of her crewneck.
"Careful, 1989 TV merch, that shit is EXPENSIVE."
I wrapped my arms around her neck. "My bad."
I kissed her slowly.
"I wouldn't want to damage it," I said, my hand at the hem of her sweater already.
She smiled.
"Is this okay?"
As she nodded, my hand went further up under her crewneck. She closed her eyes.
"Wait maybe we go eat first; I'm still hungry as fuck," she repeated.
"Well I'm hungry too," I whispered in her ear.
She giggled. Then we heard a slamming sound on my desk. Fuck.
"Oh my— THING! Omg, sorry," Enid rambled as she violently pushed me aside.
"Love you too," I joked.
"So how you doing, Thing? It's been—"
He put his hand up to make her stop talking and then jumped back on his fingers and walked towards the window to go out.
I laughed inside.
"Come on, let's go eat then," I said, putting my hand out.
She took it and we were out the door.

"A rat has got to have died in the oven for this cake to taste that bad!" Yoko complained.
"No one asked you get dessert, you know. That cake already looked like it could glow in the dark," I said.
"I didn't want the chef to feel bad!"
The rest of the dorm was already in the canteen when we arrived or joined us later, and at that moment we were all waiting for Yoko to finish her dinner so we could all go back.
I sighed and crossed my arms on the table, before resting my head on my forearms. I was still tired, and to be honest, I had been on the brink of falling asleep all day.
Yoko's complaints were already sounding far away, when I felt a warm hand on my knee. I lifted my head only to see Enid looking at me with a comforting smile.
"We can go if you want to," Enid said.
"No, let's wait for Yoko," I yawned.
"Yeah, no, we're going."
She stood up, not leaving me a choice anymore.
"Come on," she insisted.
I rolled my eyes, which made her grab my arm and drag me away from my spot.
"Yeah, they're totally fucking again," I heard Yoko say.
"Omg shut up," Enid said, looking back at her.
She then took my hand and we went back to the dorm.

this love is good, this love is bad [wenclair]Where stories live. Discover now