chapter 35: skies grew darker

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A/N: Hi folks! Only wanted to wish you guys happy new year ✨✨
I would appreciate it if you'd vote シ♥︎♡︎

November 1, Saturday night
Enid's point of view

The sky fell on my head for the second time today. Chloe. Alice's little sister. The girl I should've been watching yesterday. This couldn't be. No. I sought the nearest walk with my hand and leaned against it. Wednesday immediately picked up on it. I felt her hands on my shoulders.
"You okay?" she whispered into my ear.
All the people, they were so loud. Everyone desperately wanted to share their theories. Everyone was panicked. Except for Tatum, who was eternally on her phone. The only thing I could think of was how much Chloe would've hated this whole setting.
Alice looked devastated.
"Wanna go upstairs for a second?"
I looked at Wednesday and nodded. Then she took my hand and led me to her room.

It was quieter there. Wednesday was busy wiping out everything that we'd previously written on the whiteboard.
"Are you better?" she asked.
It had only been about forty seconds since she'd closed the door. Wednesday didn't wait for my answer.
"Okay, so, all of them, literally everyone; they're going to suspect us, and you'll act like you haven't noticed."
She paused.
"Also, don't let them know about my amnesia."
"Why?" I asked.
"I can't tell you right now, but they're already suspecting me, suspecting us, so we have to be careful."
"Why?" I repeated.
"We don't want them to report anything. Anyway, we're going to get this," she tapped on the whiteboard, "downstairs."
I nodded. I knew that I wouldn't be able to ask anything anymore.
"We're probably going to be busy with this thing until tomorrow morning. Like you noticed, the Nightshades are here. They never do anything unless it's serious, so that means they know stuff we don't."
I hadn't picked up on any of these things but they made sense.
"Are you ready to get back down?"
I nodded again.

"What's that?" Ajax asked in a hautain tone.
That whiteboard was way heavier than we both expected.
"That, snakehead, is what's gonna help us sort everything out," Wednesday snapped back.
She had some markers in hand and put them on the low table opposite the couch.
"So, in black, the person's name; blue, time they were last seen; red, person last seen with; green, out of ordinary stuff that happened."
"It's like you had this planned out," Yoko laughed.
She immediately had Bianca give her a death glare, even though the joke was genuine. Yoko looked down at her feet. I saw Divina's grip tighten on her waist.
"Also," Wednesday started, "how many people do y'all know from other dorms?" she asked.
The room got a bit noisy. I heard someone say the knew a girl from biology, another one knew someone from basketball practice.
"Okay, we need to know about everyone who's potentially missing! So call them, ask if everybody's there!" Bianca ordered.
People got their phones and started to search through their contacts.
The markers stayed untouched until someone grabbed one and started to write down some information. It was Alice; she wrote her sister's name with a trembling hand. Afterwards, everyone was fighting for the markers.

"Where's Xavier?" Wednesday asked.
At that moment, it was almost midnight. No one had left, though. We — Wednesday, Yoko and I — had found some calm and peace in the corner of the kitchenette.
"His dad came to pick him up at noon today, I saw him. Neat guy, except for, you know, the terrible dad part," Yoko explained.
She took a Coke can out of the fridge and opened it.
"Why does this always have to happen?" Yoko sighed.
"I know right, can't they just wait until the end of the school year like Voldemort?" I joked.
It got quiet again between us three, and I could almost feel how deeply Wednesday was thinking. We could see the whiteboard from where we were. It was almost full. Luckily enough, it was more information than names.
"Do you guys have any suspects?" Wednesday asked Yoko.
"Nyeah... no, not really."
"Not really?"
"Like, we suspect Tyler because, well, you know: Tyler, but we don't know much."
Of course she wasn't saying everything. Yoko took a sip of her Coke.
"That should be about it!" Bianca announced, gesturing to the board.
She said it loud enough so that she got everyone's attention. The room quieted down.
Six. Six names written in black. Two freshmen, one sophomore, two juniors and a senior.
"Are we a hundred percent sure they haven't just gone away for Thanksgiving ?" Kent asked.
"I double-checked," Alice said. "They all have at least one friend who can confirm that they told they'd stay here over the break."
Kent nodded.
"Now we have to find a connection between them," Bianca said.
"We should just go to the police already," Tatum sighed, annoyed.
"Yeah, she right, why would we pull Scooby-Doo shit? Remember how that turned out?"
Ajax meant that directly for Wednesday. From the corner of my eye, I saw how she clenched her jaw.
Everyone started talking at the same time again.
"Look," Bianca started, but no one was listening. "Oh my god, shut up!"
Efficient, as always. She scraped her throat.
"Look, the school will notice soon enough, and the local police don't care about Nevermore kids anyway. That leaves us at least two days, not much of a difference."
That was Alice.
"That's what I'm saying!" Ajax didn't miss the opportunity.
Yoko walked over to Alice and took her hands.
"Look at me. You know damn well the police won't do anything."
Alice didn't calm down.
"Al, I'm sorry, but we really need this time to investigate ourselves."
Suddenly, the whole room was calm. Even I was. It felt like floating on a cloud. A cloud of candy floss. Time seemed to have stopped and my anxiety had gone away.
It hadn't, though; Bianca had just taken off her necklace.
"Sorry, I had to. Trust me, we need that time."
Alice didn't say anything anymore. Bianca took her by the shoulders and led her upstairs.
"Let's get you to bed."
Sometimes I forget how strong the powers of some people here are.

Almost everyone was gone, and we were in Wednesday's room, doing our own debriefing.
"Okay, Enid, so there's six missing persons. We technically don't know if they're really missing, but we'll act as if they are. I think they got drugged as well, except they didn't randomly got back to their dorm like I did. That means I was also a target.
Then you have the Nightshades; like I said, they know stuff we don't. So don't trust them. Not even Yoko."
"Not even Yoko. Besides that, Stan is acting really weird. I don't really know what to think of that, but any—"
"Well, you told me you kissed him so maybe—"
"Ugh, okay that explains it, I'll work on that later."
She lost track of her words.
"Anyway," she took a deep breath, "I, uhm."
Wednesday pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Estoy cansada," she let out.
"Maybe you should get some sleep," I said, while putting a hand on her shoulder and leading her to her bed.
"There's still stuff to do..."
"Wens, please," I prevented her to protest by placing my hands on both sides of her head.
She looked right into my eyes.
"No. Please, go to bed."
I turned her head to the left and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"'Night, I'll get back to my dor—"
She threw her head back, and I immediately understood that she was having a vision. I caught her in extremis before she could fall to the ground.

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