chapter 21: we'll be out of here as soon as we can

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A/N: late and short update, next one will be longer.

"You've got to be kidding me! Tyler? Really?"
"You didn't know?" Eugene asked.
"No, I didn't!"
"I literally had to beg my moms not to switch me schools when they got the news."
"What the hell," I mumbled, still not believing it.
"My mama asked to meet with the principal about that, and - you don't know it from me - but apparently Tyler's father doesn't take care of him anymore. Jericho's social workers wanted him to finish school here since he wouldn't fit in anywhere else."
"But he was a senior last year, how-"
"He didn't get to finish his school year, so he has no diploma."
It started to make sense, yet it didn't.
"Tyler? Here?"
"Are you planning on repeating that every ten seconds or...?"
"No, it's just- How?"
I couldn't find the right words and that was unusual.
"Well, no one pressed charges, so yeah. He can legally be here."
"Your family didn't sue?"
"The principal talked to them and convinced them not to."
"Looks like we're getting Weems 2.0," I sighed.
Eugen sighed as well. Then, already having finished his, he gestured to my sandwich.
"Are you gonna-?"
"No, take it."
While Eugene grabbed the sandwich and started to finish it, I kept staring at the door Tyler had just come out of. Soon enough, two other people followed him. And a bit later, a teacher came from there. I quickly looked away, not wanting her to notice me.
"I think I should go," I stated.
And I didn't wait for Eugene's approval to walk back to the dorm. As I advanced quickly, I made sure not to meet any teachers or just school staff in general on my way.

"Thing!" I called immediately after closing the door.
I heard some rumbling coming from one of the suitcases on Enid's side.
"What are you doing?"
He appeared out of a familiar shopping bag.
"You're not supposed to go through her stuff."
If Thing was able to, that would've been the moment when he rolled his eyes.
"Tyler's here."
He seemed shocked and asked me to tell him more about it, so I repeated everything I had learned earlier.
"I saw him."
"Eugene told me that."
"Apparently everyone knew except us."
"Via mail. I see you coming, don't you dare tell me to check my inbox more often."
"I don't know, Thing, I just-"
We heard footsteps coming from the hallway, and the door flew open. Thing instinctively hid in a drawer.
"What are you doing here?"
"Enid asked me to get her something- I don't even need a reason. You're not supposed to be here," she replied.
"You are the one who isn't supposed to be here, Yoko."
She audibly sighed.
"I'm just getting her sunglasses and her charger," she said, kneeling by one of Enid's bags. "And you should come back with me, the inscriptions for the clubs are about to start."

"Are you kidding me?"
"I'm sorry, the fencing club is full."
"What?!" Yoko and I exclaimed at the same time.
"We're not even five minutes late! Come on, two people more isn't that much," Yoko tried.
The guy at the stand for the fencing inscriptions shook his head.
"What about archery?" I asked.
"You already do beekeeping, you have to choose a sport."
"It is a sport."
"It's not on the sports list," he said, turning his laptop toward us. "See?"
"Is he wrong, though? Have you seen Xavier? He's not exactly muscular," Yoko whispered to me.
I ignored her but silently agreed.
"What is there that is still open?" I asked.
"Hold on, you are the last ones, so there isn't that much left." He turned his PC back to himself and clicked a few tabs open. "There is one open spot for athletics, one for volleyball, and the basketball team could welcome another player or two if necessary."
"THAT'S ALL THAT'S LEFT?? Kill me, please."
The guy didn't react, so Yoko changed her strategy.
"Could you tell us wh-"
"I am not allowed to tell you what your friends chose to do."
Yoko could've killed a village with the look she gave him. She took out her phone and dialed a number.
"Hey girl! ... Yeah, what'd you choose? It's to choose myself, there isn't a lot of choice."
Yoko glared at the guy.
"... Ow ... Okay, thanks ... I'll see then ... Bye!"
That must've been incredibly awkward for the inscription guy.
"So?" I asked her.
"Enid got in for fencing. I really don't care about what I'll do. You choose first."
I looked back at the guy.
"Wednesday Addams, athletics."
"Basketball for me then, I ain't doing another year of volley."


"This school is so going to be the death of me, Thing," I said while sitting down at my desk.
He quickly climbed up to the desk and asked what happened. I updated him on the situation, and as per usual, he gave me unsolicited advice. He even told me that it was my fault that I didn't get to choose what I was going to do.
"Whose side are you even on?"
He did something that could be translated as someone shrugging their shoulders and climbed back down to access his drawer. Not knowing what else to do, I took out my typewriter and began to write. For once, I went with the flow and just let the story happen. Since it was a 'first draft' I wrote awfully simple and not very descriptive sentences, and really went with what I came up with.
When I was three pages in, there was a knock at the door.

Why does everything always have to get interrupted? When a door is closed, why can't people just walk away? It's closed for a reason.
To not. Get. Interrupted.

I held another murderous thought in and told the person to come in. He didn't wait a second and barged in. Suddenly, the principal was standing in the middle of my room.
"Well, well, Miss Addams, hello," he greeted.
"Good afternoon."
I quickly checked if Thing was still in his drawer, which he was, and turned my chair toward him. Principal Medina stayed quiet for some time. He clearly wanted me to ask him what this visit was about. That satisfaction wouldn't be given to him.
"So Miss Addams-"
"Yes, sir," I interrupted.
Messing with people has always been so entertaining.
"Not even twenty-four hours here and already skipping mandatory events, staff complaining, and a room change demand."
I couldn't help but smirk.
"It wasn't mentioned anywhere that I had to be there," I said, referring to the informational dinner. "The mail said we were 'invited to an informative dinner in the banquet hall'."
"So that wasn't formulated in a clear enough way?"
"I am so glad you understand."
That man was even more fun to play with than Weems was.
"Then I hope this will be clear enough for you: one week of detention."
I just stared at him. "Is that all?"
He headed back to the door.
"Goodbye, Miss Addams."

Kill me.

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